Part 1: Chapter 12

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I jumped in shock as I heard Danger’s loud voice that cut through the silence of the night. I jumped up to tell him congratulations when I was pulled into a bone crushing hug.

I have received a few letters of acceptance from a few of the colleges I applied to, but I have no idea where I am going to go yet.

“I did it. I got accepted into Chapel Hill University, Sharpie.” He whispered as his faced was pressed in my hair.

I hugged him even tighter in hopes that the moment would never go away. “I am so happy for you, Danger. When do you leave?”

Danger pulled away and looked down at the ground. “That’s the thing. I leave the day after we graduate. Some of the coaches have set up a camp to see our strengths and weaknesses.”

Sadness fell upon my heart. I wanted Danger to stay and never leave. I wanted him and I to have a happily ever after like the ones you read in those cheesy romance novels. I wanted him to be mine.

I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my mind. I couldn't do that to him. Basketball is his passion and if I told him how I felt, it would be a distraction to him and his dreams are finally coming true.

So instead I gave him a fake smile and hugged him again. “I am happy for you. Even though we don't get to spend the summer together sneaking around.” I joked half heartedly.

“Hey I will come visit a few weekends this summer and we can hang out. I promise.” Danger’s promise gave me hope. Hope for what you might ask. I don't really know.

It was silent for a few minutes before I spoke. “I known you still have a few days, but I was wondering if you have decided yet. Are you going to announce our friendship to everyone or not?”

It is crazy to think that the time for him to make his decision is almost here. I know it is selfish for me to want him to stay best friends with me, but again that would mean he would have to give up his basketball scholarship basically.

I can’t have him do that. I just wish there was some way that he could keep his scholarship and us still be friends. I mean what does our friendship have to do with anything?

I hate the populars so much.

“I don't know, Sharpie. I really don't.” Danger said which brought me back from my thoughts. I nodded my head and leaned back against our meeting tree.


Graduation Day



I looked in the bathroom mirror one more time and striated my cap once more. I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. People bustled around me as I made my way to the old metal chairs they had set up for the senior class.

The principle tapped on the microphone to get everyone's attention and he started to speak.

“Hello to the family and friends of this years graduating class of Wimer High! This bunch of students have been a joy to have and I am excited to see what their futures hold.”

That’s when I stopped listening. I didn't care to hear the principle drone on and on about what a great class we were. I just wanted to get my diploma and leave these people.

I looked around at all the the faces I grew up with. Is it bad that I wont miss any of them? Well, besides Danger of course.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen him yet. Then again I don't know if I want to seeing that today he makes his decision.

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