Part 1: Chapter 5

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Danger pulled me back. "You should have told me you hated scary movies. I wouldn't have played it."

I took a step back. "I said I had to pee I am not scared of a movie." I said in a dull but small tone.

I let my walls fall for a split moment and it was a split moment too long.

I sat back down on the bean bag and prepared myself for the worse when my phone beeped. I glance at the screen and jumped up once again.

"Crap! I forgot about work!" I exclaimed before I high tailed it out of Danger's house. Only to leave one confused Danger behind.


(Warning this may be an emotional chapter to some people. Just a small warning.)

Two weeks, one day, and forty seven minutes.

That is how long it had been since I had last spoken to Danger. Yes I have been counting the amount of time. Its not like I have anything better to do.

I guess you could say that I have been avoiding Danger which wasn't really hard to do at school seeing that he was with the populars the whole time.

At home though was a completely different story. Seeing that are bedroom windows are across for each other it was kinda hard, but I just made sure to keep my curtains closed.

I know that Danger is really confused by my actions, but I can't seem to bring myself to talk to him or explain my actions.


I was startled by the sudden ring of the school bell. I looked up at the clock hanging above the classroom door and saw that it was finally the end of the day.

My English teacher was still talking and telling us what needed to be done for homework this weekend, but to be honest I could care less which was very unusual for me.

I just wanted to get home.

I walked in the front door and kicked off my shoes while setting my bag down. When I stepped into the living room I was shocked to see my father sitting on the armchair reading a newspaper. My dad works as a lawyer so naturally he is not home a lot and if he is, it is only for a few days.

"Dad!" I exclaimed as I ran towards him.

He put down his paper and stood up, "Hey Sharpie. How is my buttercup doing?How's senior year going for you so far?" He asked with a big smile as he hugged me.

"I am doing good and school is going great!" I said with fake enthusiasm and a fake smile.

I am getting pretty good at this whole lying thing.

"What are you doing back so early?" I questioned him

"Well, I finished the case early and your mom really wanted me to be here for the welcoming dinner and here I am." My dad explained to me

This confused me. Not the part about him finishing the case early, but the part about the welcoming dinner. I was not informed about this.

"What welcoming dinner?" I questioned. You can clearly hear the confusion laced within my voice.

My dad opened his mouth to respond, but my mom walked out of the kitchen at that moment and responded for him, "Honey, I told you about this on Tuesday. I told you that we were going to have a big welcoming dinner for the Pendland's and you even agreed to wear that dress I bought you a few months back."

My parents both looked at me with worried looks and I continued to stand there with a confused look on my face.

"Honey, are you ok? You have been really distant and not acting your normal self for the past two weeks. Is everything ok at school? You are not doing drugs are you? You can tell me if you are and we can get you help!" My mother said worriedly.

I shook my head and walked off to my room. When I got into my room I shut the door and slid down until my butt hit the floor. I sat there thinking and my head became dizzy and everything as rush through my head.

The stress of life was overwhelming me. Everything from school to people tormenting me, which has gotten worse I might add, to the situation with Danger, the memories are coming back, and now my parents are worried about me and that is never a good thing.

I felt my tear drops slid down my cheeks and I heard as they dropped on the floor, making a small puddle on the hardwood.

Have you ever had the feeling that you couldn't go on anymore? Wishing that you could just end it all?

I tried to push these thoughts from my mind, I really did. My feet carried me to the bathroom that was connected to my room anyways. I refused to look in the mirror, at the freak that would be looking back at me.

My eyes frantically looked around the bathroom to find something, anything to get these memories and thoughts out of my head.


My eyes eyes landed on the small white bottle of medicine that was sitting up on one of the shelves.

I knew what it was. It was the medicine I use to have to take when I couldn't sleep due to the memories that took over my mind for the longest time.

'If you take enough you will forget.' I heard a voice in my head say.

I reached out and grabbed the small bottle.

'Do it. You will forget. You will sleep.'

I stared at the small bottle.

'Don't be a coward'

I opened the small bottle.

'No one likes a freak. Do it'

I poured all the small pills into my hand.

'Don't worry. No one will miss you.'

I brought my hand up to my mouth slowly.

'That's right. Say good bye-'

My thoughts were cut off as I heard someone yell my name the moment I put all the pills in my mouth.



I am so sorry for taking so long to update. Life has been EXTREMELY crazy and luckily we have a snow day today so I finally got the change to write this chapter.

Well, thoughts on this chapter? To me it was hard to write this chapter and it was VERY emotional to write. Also I am sorry it is so short..

Also a big cliff hanger so maybe I will update soon haha. Also what do you guys think these "memories" are?

*Question of the Day: If you only had six months to live what would be the top 3 things you would do?(There are no limits) *

That is all I have for this chapter. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!


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