Chapter 1: Wh-where are we?

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Writing fonts meaning:

Italic = entheses (idk how you spell it sorry) on the word/s, flashback or what happened in the previous chapter

Bold = something to remember/important

Bold and Italic = something to remember/important with entheses


Hi! I'm Anaka Amami, the Ultimate Poet. And I'm the protagonist of this crazy story. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

>~... travelling back in time thingy...~<

Hi! I'm Anaka Amami, the Ultimate Poet. Let's just say, right now, I have no clue where I am. I must be in some sort of closet space because, even though it's pitch black, I can feel some sort of door in front of me.

I fiddle around, trying to find where I can open the door. I hear the murmuring of people talking on the other side, so it's probably safe to say, I'm not the only one wherever I am.

When I finally manage to open the door! I then fall out with a thud, I grunt, I try to pick myself up but fail, why am I so weak? "Oh hey there! Do you need a hand getting up? You took quite the tumble '''' leave her alone, she probably doesn't need your help. I'm sure she can do it herself '' ''are you forgetting when you fell out of the other closet earlier?" I looked up to see a boy my age, wearing an apron and a striped long sleeve top and deep blue jeans. He has dirty blonde hair cut short, just above his ears, and he has a longish fringe, he also has light turquoise eyes. Just behind him was a girl with short purple hair, tied up into high pigtails, but because her hair was so short, it didn't fall, it just stayed up in the air (A.N: sounds weird but oh well). She has purple eyes and she is wearing a white frilly button up top and black leggings, while on top, she is wearing a red checkered dress with dark turquoise strap-on shoes.

The boy with the apron turned back to me and offered out his hand to me to help me up. I take his hand and stand up "so um, who are you two?" I looked around, it looked like I was in some sort of locker room, I turned around to see what I fell out of, I fell out of a closet "oh yes!" I turned my attention back to the boy in the apron "I'm Kioshi Masaaki, the Ultimate Baker. If you ever feel hungry, please let me know, I love baking and I'll be happy to bake anything for you guys" the boy in the apron -- or rather Kioshi -- said. Then the purple-haired girl started talking "Sara.....Sara Akari, I'm the Ultimate Toy Maker. Don't bother making friends with me because I won't return it." Kioshi just rolled his eyes at Sara and then they both turned to me "and you are...?" "oh, I'm Anaka Amami, the Ultimate Poet. Hope we can get along" I said with a smile.

Sara rolled her eyes "too positive" "shhhhhhhhhhh!" Kioshi put his hand over Sara's mouth "and you're too negative so you have no space to talk!" I can already tell they will make me laugh.

Then suddenly we heard a high-pitched voice coming from the multiple speakers in the room "heeeeellloooooooo eeeeevvvverrrrryyyyoonnnneeeeee! (A.N: sorry not sorry) Please come to the gym at six' 0clock sharp! Otherwise I will be very very mad! So don't be late!!!" and then it finishes. I look at the clock in the room "guys! We need to go quick!! It's only five minutes till six and we don't know where the gym is!" I exclaim "then let's go!" Kioshi says, waving his hands around in the air "1. Kioshi, stop that, you look like a loon and 2. For once I agree with you two" Sara said. Kioshi ignores Sara's comment but stops waving his hands around anyway and we head out of the locker room to find the gym.

As we were walking we saw two girls walk out of a room "Eri, shut up, someone with your fashion sense can't say anything to me" "I-I'm s-sorry Mikki"

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