Chapter 5: Ayaka's plan

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Before this chapter starts, this the second chapter I've posted today so check you've read the previous chapter before reading this chapter<3

Writing font meaning

Italic = enthesis (idk if that's how you spell it sorry) on the word/s, flashback or what happened in the previous chapter

Bold = A/N (authors note) or something to remember/important

Bold and italic = something to remember/important with enthesis, Anaka's poems


I'm getting really tired and my eyes are slowly dropping, I don't know if I'll fall asleep now tho-


I wake up to "good morning everyoneeeeeeee!" Oh great. Please don't tell me I have to wake up to this every frigin' morning. Please "it is 7 AM! It is officially morning!! Did anyone die last night? I guess we'll see!!!" And with that, it disappeared off the screen. I groan. I wanna sleep more!

*Knock knock*

NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Now I have to get out of bed! I now drag myself to the door and unlock it, then open it. I open it to reveal a familiar purple-haired girl "oh hey Sara! What are you doing here?" "I came to make sure you didn't die, ya know, seeing as your hut is next to mine" "oh okay, well, I'm alive!" I say with a smile "okay bye" "bye!" I wave to Sara as she leaves. That was nice of her to check on me, I wasn't expecting that.

I close the door and change into the same outfit I had on yesterday. Why are all of my clothes the same outfit? It's so boring! Haven't they ever heard of variety! Anyways, I'm now leaving my hut and walking to the cafeteria.

I'm now walking into the cafeteria, only seven other people are here; Sara, Hana, Akiko, Sadao, Ezume, Hiroto and Mikki "oh man, I was hoping Sara was lying when she said you weren't dead, your annoying" Mikki says when she sees me "what a shame" I say under my breath as I roll my eyes and walk up to the counter where breakfast is. By the looks of it, we are having good old eggs, bacon and toast. I grab a plate and start serving myself and sit down at one of the tables in the cafeteria "wow that's a lot, your gonna get fatter after eating all that" I look up from my seat to see Mikki staring at me down "okay" I reply, as I carry on eating "you don't care you're going to get fatter?" "not really" "why" "I don't care if I'll get fat or not, I love food so if I get fat from it it's not the end of the world" "fine then," Mikki says then she walks off with a huff "very annoying, very very annoying" I look in the direction of where the voice came from, it came from Sadao.

"She is so annoying. How does Miss. Eri put up with her? How does anyone put up with her?!" "honestly I don't know" "AHHHH" "don't scream so loud. It's only me, Sara '' ''what are you two doing here? I didn't see you two here before" I ask them "oh yeah we came over after Mikki left, well, Sara did, I was already here '' ''really?" "mhm" "oh...I guess I'm blind then" I awkwardly chuckle, oops.

"Anyways" I start "how are you guys?" "Meh, good, not too bad" Sadao replies "how about you, Sara?'' ''good '' ''cool" ......awkward silence intensifies. Luckily, it is broken by someone new entering the cafeteria.

"MORNIN' EVERYONE!" Masanori yells "do you ever stop shouting?" Ezume asks Masanori, his eyes staring daggers into the other male "nope!" Masanori strides over to the breakfast table and I'm back to eating my breakfast. Just as I finish my breakfast two other people walk in through the doors; Ichika and Yutaka.

Ichika bows slightly to all of us and Yutaka then suddenly freaks out and does the same, or at least that's what it looks like to me. I turn back to my table and take out my notepad and start writing a new poem, haven't written one in a while, why not write one now? I have the time.

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