Chapter 7: The investigation

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Writing font meaning

Italic = emphasis(idk if that's how you spell it sorry) on the word/s, flashback, what happened in the previous chapter

Bold = A/N (authors note), something to remember/important or a video

Bold and italic = something to remember/important with emphasis, Anaka's poems, something to remember/important in a video

Bold and Underline = emphasis in a video

>~•••end of last chapter•••~<

As we step into the hut we see a shocked Mikki, clasping her hands over her mouth, her eyes dilated -- ready to spill tears at any second, it looks like she's about to throw up. I hear a gasp from beside me from Sara, I slowly look down to the foot of Ayaka's bed *BING BONG, DING DONG* "a body has been discovered!"


"now then, after a certain amount of time has passed, the class trial will begin!" Monokuma exclaims from the monitor above the door

"SHUT UP YOU HOMICIDAL PANDA!" Mikki hollers at the monitor as it switches off.

I see Ayaka's lifeless body sprawled on the floor laying on her side facing the front door, her head bashed in by -- what I'm guessing is the weapon near her -- a sledgehammer. It looks like it took a couple blows to the head before she actually dropped dead. She is surrounded by her own massive puddle of blood with a blood swipe pattern leading up to the front door, her glasses lay carelessly on the floor, completely broken.

I stand there, frozen with fear. Who would do such a thing?! Mikki is still staring at the monitor with an angered stare, she's breathing through her nose aggressively, her fists balling.

I turn to Sara who is frozen next to me. She's got her usual motionless face on but you can see a slither of fear. I hear footsteps. I turn around to see everyone else running here, they must have heard Mikki's scream just like me and Sara - the beach isn't that far from the huts.

"w-we heard a-a scream and the d-dead body announcement- AAAAAAAAH!!" Eri screams

"JESUS CHRIST!" Hiroto shouts, Akiko takes a deep breath and says quickly

"oh holy mother of god" as she places a hand to her chest

"WHO DID THIS?!" Kioshi yells. I take a deep breath and exhale

"we should probably start investigating before we have to go to the class trial" I say. Everyone turns to me. Silence

"Anaka's right" Mikki speaks up "think of what Ayaka would want, Ayaka would want us to investigate, find all the clues, bring it to the class trial and find the culprit" Mikki finishes...I had no idea Mikki could be so inspirational

"what's with the personality change?" Kioshi asks

"I just- I- I- I..." Mikki looks away and sniffs then looks back with an angered look on her face "it's none of your business"

"okay then..." everyone splits up -- some in groups -- and starts thinking of what to do first. Some people already know what they are gonna do by the looks of it. I'm with the people who are thinking of what to do. I think I should talk to everyone one by one, and then move onto investigating the area myself. I should talk to Yutaka and Ichika first, they seem like good people to talk to.

Yutaka seems to be writing something down in a little notebook and Ichika seems to be telling him what to write

"hey guys"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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