Chapter 3: Introductions

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Writing font meaning

Italic = enthisis (idk if that's how you spell it sorry) on the word/s, flashback or what happened on the previous chapter

Bold = A/N (authors note) or something to remember/important


Then everybody went on there on way, probably to explore the place. Not a bad plan, I'll do that myself.


"Hey Eri, do you want to come and wander with me?" she is talking to Mikki and I think it's best to try and break it up, they aren't on the best terms "u-um, alright" "let's go then!" Mikki gave me a side eye before I dragged Eri away.

>~•••Time Skip•••~<

We have been walking for a while now, it's actually quite a comforting silence "h-hey, A-Anaka?" "yes?" I reply "I feel l-like it's m-my fault w-w-were a-all here" she chokes "b-before y-you came, M-Mikki r-repeated over a-and over t-to m-me th-that it is my f-fault w-we are he-here" I stop walking which causes Eri to stop as well "w-why d-did you s-stop? D-did I say so-something w-wrong?! I-I'm s-sorry! Tell me what I-I d-did wrong an-and I'll ch-cha-" "stop" Eri suddenly stops talking and it looks like she's on the verge of tears "don't take what Mikki says to heart, you are not the reason for this situation, it's that stupid bears fault, not yours, you understand me? Don't believe what Mikki tell's you" Eri wipes her eyes and looks at me with a smile and it looks like there are sparkles in her eyes. It's hard to see but if you look hard enough, they're there. I notice we're now holding hands in a comforting way.

I look behind Eri to see a boy with dark blue hair, a notebook resting on his lap and a pencil in his left hand, it looks like he is drawing something.

He looks up and sees me looking at him "oh sorry!" He says with a chuckle, causing Eri to turn to look at him "if you don't mind me asking, what are you drawing?" "You two! It was a lovely moment and I wanted to draw it, I am the Ultimate Illustrator after all!" I see a pink hew form on Eri's cheeks from the compliment. To be honest, I am very flattered but Imma just move on from it "Anaka Amami, the Ultimate Poet" I say, putting my hand out for a hand-shake "and next to me is Eri Nozomi, she's the Ultimate Impersonator, and you are?" "My name? Sadao Taro, and I've already told you my Ultimate. Nice meeting you two" He says, pulling a bright smile and returning the hand-shake.

"Nozomi, right?" He asks, turning to Eri "y-yes" she squeaks "I met someone earlier with the same last name, is she your relative or something?" "Y-yeah sh-she's my s-sister" "I feel bad for you" he said "w-why?" "She seems like a bitch, especially live with, geeze"





I am surprised Eri openly admitted to finding her sister annoying, but, I mean, is she wrong? "A-anyways, can we see the drawing?" I ask, trying to change the subject "yes! But before you see it, I must warn you, it's not very good" he hands the notebook to me and Eri.

"Woah!" I say "it looks amazing!" he looks at Eri for an answer from her "i-it's r-really pretty, i-it captures th-the moment v-very well" he beams as if an angel has come down and blessed him, wow it's painfully clear he is a simp for her. I don't know if Eri sees it though because she doesn't seem to be bothered by it and, to me, she seems like the type of person to freak out when they notice something like that. But I could be wrong.

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