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      The October air was cold and damp as Chandler Ackland lazily walked down South Wilbur Ave. He wasn't in a rush to get back home, his parents were likely to be drunk and yelling at each other. Chandler stopped walking and looked at the unfinished decorations scattered around Howard Elmer Park. He uninterestedly scanned his bright blue eyes at the creepy trees and cauldron that were waiting to be set up. A cold burst of wind pushed his sandy colored hair into his eyes and he went to move it away.
       When he looked back up, he caught a glimpse of someone disappearing behind the gazebo. Chandler straightened. He stared at the spot and gingerly walked over. He circled the small building, he didn't see anyone. The boy instinctively looked up where the robotic witch grinned down at him, menacingly. The boy huffed and turned to walk away. He jolted to a halt, a man with platinum blonde hair and piercing blue eyes stood in his path. He stared at Chandler and smirked.
"This'll be fun".
         Before the boy could open his own mouth, the man lunged at him with a loud, otherworldly yell. Chandler flew backwards and slammed into one of the prop trees with a gasp. Cold air blanketed him as he screwed his eyes shut, waiting for whatever this stranger was going to do. Nothing happened. He opened his eyes again, the man was gone.
        The boy looked around frantically and warily stood back up, wobbling a little. Officially frightened, he began to run toward his home. Once he was halfway to his house on North Leihigh Ave., a splitting headache halted him and brought him to his knees.
       He rocked back and forth in torment, clutching his head. As soon as it started, it ended. Chandler sat still on the sidewalk and stared straight ahead. He wasn't in anymore pain, but he had a weird feeling. Not fear, not dread, just weird. He shook his head in bewilderment and stood back up.
       Once he reached his house, he walked up the decaying steps, opened the busted screen door and sauntered through the front door. Inside he found his parents passed out surrounded by liquor bottles.
       This time around, he didn't look at them with anxiousness or fear like he usually did. He looked at them thoughtfully, as if he were seeing them for the first time. He studied them for a long while, a wicked smirk growing on his lips. He couldn't explain what was causing his own strange behavior, but he didn't care. He walked away after a while and trudged up to his room. His smirk growing the whole way.

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