The First Murders

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"The bodies of Mary and Ted Carver were found outside their home on North Higgins. The couple was last seen leaving the Lehigh Tavern around ten in the evening. Police suspect their attacker either followed them from the bar or surprised them when they arrived on their street. The couple had been stabbed multiple times. Ted was pronounced dead at the scene, while Mary passed while being transported to the hospital. Unfortunately, no one witnessed neither the murder or any possible suspects. Police are currently working on finding the person responsible. In the mean time we advise everyone to not go outside alone after dark and to have a safe Hallo.."

      Charlie jumped as the channel abruptly changed from the grisly news story to a random Halloween movie.
"Must be some copycat wannabe of that bastard Asher Carlton", his dad said as he got up and walked into the kitchen.
"I hope so". Charlie whispered after him.
     His phone vibrated in his pocket a second later. He checked it and saw that Raven had sent a message to the group chat.

Blackbird: Did you guys see the news?
Charlie Brown: Yeah..
Gwen-evere: My mom turned it off before I could catch it all, but I caught some of it.
Tawnykit: No one saw who did it. How could they not hear or see anything if it was right  outside their front doors?!
Jake-ster: Boggles my head, too. Did anybody know them?
Gwen-evere: My dad saw them at the Lehigh a few times, but he didn't know them personally.
Jesse: My aunt worked with the woman at the hospital before she retired. She was a secretary.
Gwen-evere: Do you guys think it's really Asher or that Chandler guy the kids said he was possessing?
Charlie Brown: My dad said it's probably someone copying Asher.
Blackbird: Do you believe that?
Charlie Brown: Not a word. I want to, but I can't.
Jake-ster: Especially after that dream you told us about. Also, isn't the way they were killed Asher's MO or something?
Blackbird: He used a couple other methods. Stabbing isn't exactly an uncommon tactic serial killers use.
Tawnykit: One of them was strangled right?
Blackbird: Yeah. One was beaten and another was poisoned.
Charlie Brown: Either way, we have to be on our toes more than ever now. Cause if it is Asher, who knows when he'll decide to set his sights on us.
Jesse: Hey, Rave. Does your dad have any files on where the bastard lived?
Blackbird: I'm not sure. I can snoop around and see what I can find.
Charlie Brown: Good. Once we find that out, if you guys want, we can go over there and see what we're up against.
Jake-ster: Of course we are! I thought we told you this last Halloween, we're all in this together.
Jesse: When does Zach Effron join the chat?
Jake-ster: 🖕
Tawnykit: We did tell him! He just doesn't like to listen to us!
Gwen-evere: What do you think we'll find in there?
Jake-ster: The gates to hell, more than likely.

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