The Second Murders

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      Riley stood on the old Access Bridge, staring straight ahead and picking at his nails. His chest tightened with anxiety and frustration. He looked back at the shrubs where Chandler was crouching, staring into space with a defeated look. He met his friend's worried face and nearly broke into tears. All Riley wanted to do was grab Chandler's wrist, run as far as he could, and hide him from Asher's vengeful ghost somehow.
      The sound of an approaching car stalled his frantic mind. Chandler grabbed his hair in pain and ducked out of sight. Riley's heart hammered against his ribs and tears pricked the corners of his eyes. 'No turning back now'.
      When the headlights of the car rounded the bend in the road, Riley sprinted towards it.
"Help! Please, help me"! He yelled and flailed his arms before falling to the graveled floor.
    The car grinder to a halt and three doors popped open. Three college men jumped out and ran over to the gasping boy.
"Jesus Christ"!
"What the hell's going on"?!
       The driver of the car waved his arm to hush his friends as he helped Riley to his feet. "You ok? What's goin on. Are you hurt"? The man asked softly as he looked at Riley's wide crystal eyes.
"He's after me! He'll kill me"! The trio froze and gawked at the high schooler.
"Who"? The second guy, the passenger, asked.
       Riley wordlessly pointed behind him at Chandler/Asher's waiting silhouette. The three men straightened up at the awaiting threat. The possessed teen began to stalk forward, hiding his face with the hood of his sweatshirt. His hands loosely tucked away in the front pocket. The driver pushed Riley behind him as his friends began to confront the approaching killer.
"Hey, asshole"! The backseat passenger yelled. "You like picking on kids, huh"?
      Chandler/Asher stopped walking. Standing only a short distant away, staring idly at the ground. The two passengers slowly closed the distance.
"Answer me, freak! You wanna pick a fight, pick a fight with us".
      In the blink of an eye, one of the teen's arms launched out of the front pocket. In one motion he sliced a large blade across the college students' throats. The two men gurgled as they fell to road. The driver screamed in terror and practically carried Riley to the car, throwing him into the passenger seat before hopping in himself.
      The man fumbled to put the vehicle into drive, hands shaking and tears freely falling onto his lap. When he finally managed to begin to back away, Chandler appeared in the back seat, grinning wildly. The man could barely let out a second scream, when the teen drove the knife into his neck.
      Riley kept his eyes tightly sealed shut as he listened to the violent struggle just next to him and felt blood fly onto him. The car finally stopped rocking and the boy opened his eyes. The driver was slumped against the door, eyes wide and neck slashed.
     The teen's breathing became uneven. He leapt out of the car and puked into the nearby tree line. When he was done, he stayed hunched over and tried to collect his nerves. He turned his attention back to the car as Chandler/Asher stepped out.
"Not too bad, kid", Asher's word hit the team like a steam boat. He wanted to curse and raise the loudest fuss he could. He stopped himself and hung his head again as nausea kicked him in the gut. While he was sick, the killer wandered around his bloody creation and clicked his tongue.
"They come across a scared kid, see he's being chased by a hooded figure, and they're logical response is to just waltz right up to them and try to fight them? No calling the cops, no throwing the kid in the car and getting him outta there? Such a backwards shit-brained move".
"Our clothes are completely stained, you know", Riley announced as he rubbed at the crimson stains on his hands and sleeves. "Got a plan on where to hide 'em".
"I know a place".

      Charlie sat on the couch and bit his nails as Friday the 13th played on the T.V. His parents and sister watched and rolled their eyes at the stupid decisions of the film's protagonists. Normally, Charlie would be laughing with them— but with the recent murders taking place it only set him on edge. His phone ringing made him and his family jump.
      They laughed it off as Charlie stood up and moved to the backroom. Raven's picture lit up the screen. The teen quickly hit the call button.
"Hey, Rave".
"Hey. I found where he lives".
      Charlie perked up and looked back at the living room.
"Where is it"?
"Pitney Street".
"Ok. Ok. Why don't we meet at Howard Elmer Park around midnight tomorrow. If anyone wants out they don't have to go".
"I think you and I both know no one's gonna back out. I'll text everyone and let them know".
"Alright. See you tomorrow".
"See ya".
       Charlie sighed and walked back into the living room, slumping down next to Jenna as his mother switched the channel to The Addams Family. He rolled to his side and rested his head on his sister's thigh. Nervously mulling over the insane plan that was about to be put into action just hours from now.

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