When's the Bonfire?

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"The bastard had fucking pictures of bodies in his attic. Like a goddamn photo shoot! There had to have been over twenty of em', including the victims from eight years ago"!
"We found a bag full of bloody clothes in the dining room. He's using it as a dumping ground now".
"Now? From the looks of things, it was always that way".
"Either way, the guy has a padlocked iron door behind a normal basement door".
       The group shifted restlessly in their corner in the library. They kept looking around, making sure there were no eves-droppers listening in. Any doubt they had felt before they went in that house stripped away completely. They briefly discussed calling the cops, but ultimately decided against it. They would only involve them if things got out of hand.
"Won't we need a shitload of gas"?
"Now way! That place is a walking fire hazard. We just need matches".
"Way ahead of ya".
      The group looked at Jesse. "What? I like to collect matchbooks, so what".
They shook their heads and returned to the main conversation.
"Ok. What about the padlock"?
"It's a simple lock. Plus it's rusted to hell. We just need a crowbar and we'll be set".
"So when are we doin this"?
"We'll go tomorrow. The sooner we destroy that hell hole, the better".
      The group nodded. Silently praying the next night's events went off without a hitch.

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