Once and for All

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The air was heavy with anticipation and dread. The group decided to park further away and walk the rest. Each step they took only fueled their determination to finally get rid of the spectral killer that haunted the town for eight years, possibly more.
When they were only a block and a half away, Charlie turned to the group. "I think three of you should stay out here. Just in case anything goes wrong".
"Gwen. Tawny. Why don't the three of us stay outside. These guys are the muscle and they'll need speed demons like us to get their asses out of trouble". Jake chided with a smirk.
"Oh, your funny". Raven smirked back.
When they finally reached the house; Jake, Tawny, and Gwen ran to the back of the house— narrowly missing Riley, who ducked behind the side of the house. Charlie, Raven, and Jesse clambered into the house and marched to the kitchen. Dread building in their chests the closer they got. When they reached the wooden door, the trio froze. They took a deep breath and ripped it open. Their faces paled at the sight of the broken padlock and cracked iron door. A faint light lit up the hidden room.
Jesse raised the crowbar and led the way down the stone steps. Raven and Charlie slowly tailed him. The older boy pushed the door open and led the small group in. What they saw next made their mouths go dry with terror.
The room was made of concrete, from floor to ceiling. The walls were covered in dry rust colored blood stains that trickled down them. A large wood table stood in the middle of the room, covered in blood and chains. A couple of small cabinets and a chest lined three of the walls.
The boys looked in them and found medical tools, rope, chemicals, and even human bones. The most disturbing aspect of the room was an old fashioned claw foot tub sitting in the far righthand corner of the room. Rust and old blood caked the white porcelain and concrete floor around it. The three boys covered their mouths and fought back the urge to vomit.
"Congratulations, boys"!
      The teens whipped around just as the iron door inched closed. Chandler emerged from the shadows. His cheeks were sunken in and dark rings highlighted his eyes.
"You found my secret room. But now, I'm afraid, you'll never be walking out of it".
      Without warning, he lunged at the boys with a roar. He pulled a knife from somewhere hidden and pointed forward. The trio jumped apart and Jesse shoved him to the ground. Charlie backed into the chest, while Raven squeezed himself into the nearest corner.
      Jesse raised the crowbar like a bat and eyed Chandler/Asher rose to his feet. "Ah", he turned to Charlie. "I see you've brought your muscle. You got a hell of a push, kid. Now, let me show you mine".
     He ran to Jesse with inhuman speed and and shouldered him with the strength of heavy weight boxer. Jesse flew backwards and hit the concrete wall with a sickening thud. He fell to the floor with short gasping breaths and moans. Raven kneeled down next to him.
     The possessed teen faced Charlie again, wide smirk on his face. He took one step toward the cowering teen, making Charlie stumble over the chest completely.
"How's that leg of yours, Charlie Boy"? The ghost mocked.
     Charlie felt an icy burning sensation in the old scar. It grew in intensity the closer the maniac got to him. Asher started to chuckle, but was cut off by a strangled gurgle. His face contorted and he leaned against the table, struggling to keep standing. It looked as if invisible arms were squeezing the air clean out of him. He managed to squeak out another menacing chortle.
"This kid's a hell of a fighter. But... I'm far too close to killing you..... to let him stop me".
     He pointed the blade at Charlie, just like he'd done a year prior, and took a few stif steps toward the boy. A furious yell erupted behind the stumbling killer. Raven charged forward, crowbar raised high before he slammed it down onto Chandler/Asher's shoulder blades. He yelled in pain and fell to his knees. Raven went to strike him again, but the ghost was ready. He whipped his arm up and caught the metal bar.
     He slowly stood back up and scowled at Raven.
"I think you hit me in the back before, kid", Asher seethed. "Let me return the favor".
     Still holding the crowbar, Raven was thrown into the air and crashed brutally onto the table. He tumbled off it in a blur, sandwiching his wrist between him and the floor, before rolling into the tub with a loud clank. His glasses lay broken two feet away from him.
      Charlie's eyes bulged. Before anyone could make a move, Riley burst through the door and stared at the scene. Jesse slightly wriggled on the ground, gripping to consciousness. Raven shakily sat up, holding his injured hand to his chest. Chandler looked at him with a mix of his own shock and Asher's intense glare. Riley stood rooted in the doorway, straining to figure out how to keep the situation from escalating more than it already has.
"Chan. You gotta fight him. He's been jerking you around  for days, making you do horrible things. You gotta get outta your head"!
      Chandler's body contorted even more. He fell to his knees again, groaning and gasping. The teen pulled at his hair and fought for control. Like a puppet being yanked, his knife wielding hand flew up and tried slashing Charlie.
     Asher used Chandler to swipe the blade multiple times at the retreating teen as he jumped away, grabbing Raven and dragging him backwards. Chandler grabbed his rogue arm and slammed it into the table, shrieking in pain. The knife clattered to the floor and he backed into one of the cabinets.
      He latched onto his head again with a sob. Tears streamed down his face. The teen gathered what little strength he had and screamed, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD"!
     A thick cloud of grey smoke flew out of his body and swirled on the ceiling. Riley rushed over to Chandler and pulled him to the doorway. Charlie nudged them the rest of the way out.
"Get him out of here. Its me he wants".
      Riley wordlessly helped Chandler up the stone stairs and pair crashed threw the back door and stumbled to the lawn, startling Jake and the girls.
"Call the cops", Riley choked. Gwen fumbled to pull her phone out as Jake ran inside. He made it to the top of the staircase when the large door slammed shut.
     Inside, the vengeful spirit formed a whirlwind until he changed into himself again. Fury laced his piercing eyes. Blood trailed from his bangs and stained his clothes. His glasses sat broken and crooked on the bridge of his nose. His cracked lips curled into an evil grin, revealing bloodied broken teeth.
"I guess if you want something to get done, you do it yourself".
      He extended an arm toward Charlie. The boy flew straight up in the air and into the wall. The spirit began to throw Charlie around like a rag doll. Glass and bones soon littered the floor.
     The teen gasped and held his ribs when he was finally left to lie on the cold floor. He stared up at the floating psychopath with blurry eyes.
"Like I told you before: you shouldn't have meddled in my business. Sorry it had to come to this, kid".
     The knife he had used earlier was now hanging directly above Charlie, blade ready to pierce the terrified high schooler. Before Asher could deliver the final blow, smoke began to rise from his body with a loud sizzle. He choked and squirmed. Losing focus, the knife dropped. Charlie rolled out of the way and looked around the room.
    In the midst of the melee, Jesse and Raven began to set fire to everything in the small damp room. The fire consumed everything it landed on effortlessly. The room illuminated in a hellish orange hue. When the table under Asher was set ablaze, the sprint screamed in agony as he began to crumble and burn like paper being held over a candle wick. He let out a final yell and burst into ashes and embers.
     Charlie was too transfixed on the sight to register Raven pulling him up. Him and Jesse carried Charlie to the door and they ripped it open, revealing a panicked Jake on the other side. He looked in at the burning torture chamber. "What the FUCK"?!
"Come on, we gotta go"!
     Jake grabbed Charlie. He and Raven carried Charlie outside, while Jesse ran about and threw matches around the house. He jumped out of the broken window and joined the group on the sidewalk. The eight teens collapsed onto the concrete and panted. They broke into a fit of relieved laughter and jeers. Most of them recoiling in pain as they hugged and high fives, unable to contain their happiness.
     Distant sirens interrupted their celebration.
"Took em' long enough". Jesse mumbled, making the rest of them laugh.

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