Rachel Cook Random Life

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I have decided with  this playthrough that I am going to use the surprise me option and if it doesn't have a surprise me option then I will do a pick a number format. Enjoy.

0 to 5 Years Old-Infant

Age: 0 Years 

I was born a female in Vancouver, Canada. I was conceived after my father had a batched vasectomy.

My birthday is September 14. I am a Virgo.

My name is Rachel Cook.

My father is Jayden Cook, a mail carrier (age 38).

My mother is Victoria Cook, a receptionist (age 35).

I have an older sister named Gabrielle (age 5).

We have a family pussycat named Hobart.

Age: 1 Year

Greece has expressed concern about potential military conflict with New Zealand.

My big sister, Gabrielle, has started primary school.

Age: 2 Years

An avalanche has occurred in Austria, burying a small village that was in its path. The population of the village is 311, but the number of casualties has yet to be determined.

(Surprise me choice outcome incoming).

I remained calm when my mother took me to the doctor's office to get vaccinated.

Age: 3 Years

I'm learning that the louder I cry, the faster they come.

(Surprise me choice outcome incoming).

I let a little girl play with my favorite Janod Little Miss Vanity Case toy.

Age: 4 Years

(Surprise me choice outcome incoming).

I cried when my mother made me take a nap because I wanted to play some more.

Age: 5 Years

I have learned that "What's that?" is the best question.

6-11 Years Old-Primary School

Age: 6 Years 

My mother and my father had a baby girl named Avery, my new sister. She was an accidental pregnancy.

I have been enrolled in primary school at Bronze Primary School, a private school.

Age: 7 Years

A new wave of economic sanctions imposed by Greece force New Zealand to retaliate with with military force.

(Surprise me choice outcome incoming).

I became friends with Romy Lefebvre.

Age: 8 Years

The United Nations has begun overseeing negotiations between Greece and New Zealand.

In total, there were more than 10,000 casualties as a result of the conflict.

(Surprise me choice outcome incoming).

My cat, Hobart, ate the food off of my plate while I wasn't looking. I decided not to address his behaviour.

Age: 9 Years

(Surprise me choice outcome incoming).

My classmate Abigail, acted up in Mrs. Lefebvre's class.

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