Milana Yurievich(Granddaughter of Yuryeva Yurievich) Army First Lieutenant

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13 Years old-Primary School Student

Age: 13 Years 

My late mother, Anna Yurievich, died after stepping on a land mine while deployed to hostile territory deep within Lebanon. She left behind a houseboat, a Ford Fusion, and cash assets of $137,132. The houseboat and Ford Fusion were auctioned off. My siblings and I each inherited $44,394.

I visited the Yurievich family plot at the cemetery.

14-16 Years Old-Secondary School Student

Age: 14 Years

A Category 5 cyclone has revaged parts of Pakistan, causing widespread flooding and power outages.

My adopted brother, Alexei, started primary school.

I started secondary school at Canopy Secondary School. I joined the Cancer Awareness Club at my secondary school.

I was hired to work 8 hours a week as a pool cleaner for Sofia Trotsky Aquatic Center. They're paying me $4 an hour.

A toaster has come into my possession.

Age: 15 Years

I took a boy from school named Markin Volkov to the school dance.

I decided that it's time to sell my toaster. Nobody wanted to buy it.

Age: 16 Years

I suffered from constipation for 29 days and am beginning to think there may be something wrong with my body.

My fellow members of the Cancer Awareness Club at my secondary school have nominated me to become secretary of the club. I have become secretary of the Cancer Awareness Club at my secondary school.

17-20 Years Old-History University Student

Age: 17 Years

Country-possessive forces have been withdrawn from Greece, indicating an end to the war. The war left 12,000 dead and another 95,145 injured.

I graduated from university and was accepted. I started a university program in history.

Age: 18 Years

Lately, I've been pondering why we call orange stop lights "yellow".

My adopted sister, Eva, started secondary school.

I failed my driving test.

I created a will. I'm leaving everything to charity.

I went on a first class vacation to the Outback. While visiting the Outback, I recorded a video of myself in front of a very famous work of art, so I could brag about my experience to the entire world on social media.

Age: 19 Years

I tried, and failed, to make a balloon animal.

My half brother, Fedor, started secondary school.

My classmate, Vera, asked me out but I rejected her.

Age: 20 Years 

My adopted sister, Eva, graduated from secondary shool.

My half brother, Fedor, asked me to get up to some mischief with him. I told him that sounds great. My ha;f brother, Fedor, and I used a water balloon launcher to shoot water balloons at my neighbor's house.

21 Years Old-Army Second Lieutenant

Age: 21 Years

I got stuck in an elevator with a sorority girl for 6 hours.

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