Yuryeva Yurievich War Hero

15 1 0

0-9 Years Old-Infant

Age: 0 Years

I was born a female in St. Petersburg, Russia. I was a planned pregnancy.

My birthday is April 23. I am a Taurus.

My name is Yuryeva Yurievich.

My father is Artem Yurievich, a restaurant worker (age 18).

My mother is Kurdina Yurievich, a real estate agent (age 19).

Age: 1 Year

My mother and my father had a baby girl named Olga, my new sister. She was a planned pregnancy.

Age: 2 Years 

My father has been promoted to Busser.

I kept my composure when I didn't get the cupcake I wanted at the grocery store.

Age: 3 Years 

I have learned how much I enjoy chewing on my toenails.

I became friends with Solomakhin Olegovich.

Age: 4 Years

My father has been promoted to Host.

I remained calm when my mother took me to the doctor's office to get vaccinated.

Age: 5 Years 

My eyesight has worsening. My parents took me to the optometrist for eye exam. I failed my eye exam! I picked out some eyeglasses at the optometrist.

6-9 Years Old-Primary School Student

Age: 6 Years

I'm starting to think the bathtub is the most fun place on Earth.

My father has been promoted to Food Runner.

I have been enrolled in primary school at St. Boris's Primary School.

Age: 7 Years

My little sister, Olga, started primary school.

My classmate, Lev, acted up in Mrs. Havlicek's class. I ignored his antics.

Age: 8 Years

My father has been promoted to Server.

I am being bullied at school by my classmate, Alistrova. I visited the headmaster's office and reported my classmate, Alistrova, for bullying me. Alistrova was given a warning!

Age: 9 Years 

Recently, I've been hearing a lot of people talk about how the Easter Bunny isn't real.

My classmate, Misha, acted up in Mr. Kozlov's class. I visited the headmaster's office and reported my classmate, Misha, for acting up in class. The headmaster, Mrs. Kader, said she would look into it.

10-14 Years Old-Middle School Student

Age: 10 Years

Untimely underground construction facilitated a quick but devastating volcanic eruption in Jordan. 258 death have been confirmed. Up to 988 more are suspected to be trapped in the rubble.

My father has been promoted to Head Waiter.

My mother and my father had a baby boy named Mikhail, my new brother. He was a planned pregnancy.

I started middle school at Anatolievna Middle School.

Age: 11 Years 

I've been thinking a lot lately about what it would be like ic I had a doppelganger out there somewhere, and also wondering what my hypothetical lookalike is doing right now.

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