Yared Araya Prisoner

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0-5 Years Old-Infant

Age: 0 Years

I was born a male in San Jose, Costa Rica. I was conceived on my parents' honeymoon.

My birthday is March 15. I am a Pisces.

My name is Yared Araya.

My father is Aloisius Araya, an unemployed person (age 18).

My mother is Joselyn Araya, an insurance agent (age 20).

I have an older brother named Aloisius (age 1).

Age: 1 Year

My father began studying psychology at university.

I clocked a weird lady in the jaw after she tried to pick me up at the park.

Age: 2 Years

I had fun swaying to some music my mother was playing.

Age: 3 Years

I am suffering from a middle ear infection.

Age: 4 Years

My mother and my father had a baby girl named Lizbeth, my new sister. She was a planned pregnancy.

Age: 5 Years

Untimely underground construction facilitated a quick but devastating volcanic eruption in Bolivia. 493 deaths have been confirmed. Up to 828 more are suspected to be trapped in the rubble.

My big brother, Aloisius, started primary school.

My father graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in psychology. He started a new position as Marriage Counselor for Divine Health Services.

I threw a tantrum when my mother took me to the doctor's office to get vaccinated.

6-9 Years Old-Primary School Student

Age: 6 Years

I have been enrolled in primary school at Luisa Mendoza Primary School.

Age: 7 Years 

I saw my big brother, Aloisius, during recess. It was gross.

My classmate, Zuleima, acted up in Mrs. Juarez's class. I squeezed my classmate, Zuleima's neck!

I was sent to the principal's office for fighting. I called the principal, Mrs. Calderon, a chicken head. I received a warning from the principal.

My mother argued with me because the principal, Mrs. Calderon, called her about my behavior in school. I lectured her.

Age: 8 Years 

Looming conflict between Greece and Turkey has spawned intense riots in Santorini.

My mother and my father had a baby boy named Marco, my new brother. He was a planned pregnancy.

I have been diagnosed with anxiety.

I'm a happy camper now that I've acquired a fishing pole and learned the art of angling.

Age: 9 Years

My classmate, Pamela, acted up in Mrs. Estrada's class. I tried to twist my classmate, Pamela, but missed!

10-17 Years Old-Juvenile Delinquent(In Juvie for 7 years)

Age: 10 Years

I'm starting to think my dad might be a superhero.

My little sister, Lizbeth, started primary school.

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