Anna Yurievich(Daughter of Yuryeva Yurievich) War Hero

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5 Years Old-Infant

Age: 5 Years

My late mother, Yuryeva Yurievich, died after stepping on a land mine while deployed to a volatile zone deep in the heart of Serbia. She left behind a cottage and assets of $284,980. The cottage was autioned off. My siblings and I each inherited $84,618.

I took my father to do caricature drawings of random people in a public place.

I took my half brother, Leo, to take a self-defense class at the police station.

My big sister, Kristina, and I had a conversation about our favorite movie character. We respected each other's different positions on the matter.

My adopted sister, Chupalova, and I had a chat about which is better, pizza or cheeseburgers.

6-9 Years Old-Primary School

Age: 6 Years

I have been enrolled in primary school at St. Boris's Primary School.

Age: 7 Years

I'm starting to develop a crush on my teacher.

I am suffering from a middle ear infection. I made a doctor's appointment.

Dr. Yakovna established that I am suffering from a middle ear infection. Dr. Yakovna treated my middle ear infection. 

I am cured of a middle ear infection.

Age: 8 Years

We got to play tag during gym class.

I am being bullied at school by my classmate, Avdeyeva. I asked my half brother, Leon, to help me. My half attacked Avdeyeva! He elbowed her breast.

Age: 9 Years

My adopted sister, Chupalova, asked me to get up to some mischief with her. I told her that sounds great. My adopted sister, Chupalova, and I dropped water balloons from an overpass onto cars that passed below.

10-14 Years Old-Middle School Student

Age: 10 Years

I started middle school at Anatoli Dmitrievich Middle School.

I refused to skip school with my classmate, Salkova.

I successfully tried out and was selected to the middle school volleyball team. I began practicing harder for the volleyball team.

I asked out my classmate, Pavel. He rejected me.

Age: 11 Years

A wrecked pirate ship has been discovered more than 900 feet down in the Pacific Ocean. Hundreds of scuba divers have flocked to the aream to search for treasures that have been lost for centuries.

My big sister, Kristina, started secondary school.

My adopted sister, Chupalova, started secondary school.

I tongue-kissed Ivan Tikhonovna. It was my first kiss. He tasted like beef tartare with creamy au gratin pototoes.

I asked out my classmate, Ivan. I am now going out with Ivan Tikhonovna.

Age:12 Years

My half brother, Leon, married Eva Volkov, a 23-year old grocer.

My fellow teammates on the volleyball team at my middle school have nominated me to become co-captain of the team. I have become co-captain of the volleyball team at my middle school.

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