He likes me. He likes me not.

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I slowly started to come to my senses as i was roughly yanked outta the car by Mr. J. I sobered quickly from my tiredness when i was shoved to the ground and slammed against the car.

Fear gripped my body as I couldn't see anything, my hearing didn't help me much as my head was still trying to recover from it being slammed against the car.

" Mr. J what are you doing" I managed to squeak out putting my hands up to block my face.

"Sorry dollface change of plans, frost here is gonna take you back to the house, I have uh... some buisness to take care of" He says in a frusturated voice.

I felt two hands yank me up and run a hand across my cheek. I was so confused I don't know wether to be mad or upset. I thought we were gonna go back to the house a cuddle, atleast thats what my mind and heart wanted.

But J, I wanna go with you not frost," i pleaded with him, holding him by his shirt, i smelled alcohol on his breath mixed with a bit of tobacco. A  smell I'm all to familiar with. 

I said no firefly!" Joker whispered in my ear; Now go with frost a be a good lil baby for me," He said

Ok, I meekly whispered back and felt myself being guided into a warm car. I heard the car door slam . But i could still hear frost and J talking through a cacked window.

"keep her occupied for a few hours will ya frost," I got some buisness to take care of if you know what I mean," Joker chuckled.

My heart sank as I felt something inside me break, but hurt was quickly replaced with anger as jealousy took over me. Frost got in the car a we drove back to the house. When we arived I was helped to my room where i sat and stewed for hours, just waiting for J to come home. I wanted to confront him. What buisness did he have. Who was he goin to see. I bet it is that harley whore, the voices in my head slowly took over and i drifted off to a overwhelmed sleep.

A crash outside my bedroom door woke me up, as i heard a drunken half naked J enter my bedroom. I felt him sit next to me on the bed. I raised my hand to touch him running my hands alng his shoulders down his back and chest.

I froze as i felt raised skin all on his back. I don't have to see to know those r sex scratches. He tried to touch my cheek, but i shoved him back. "Get off me J, I'm not in the mood; go back to the whore you been with all night" I growled at him.

"Aww is someone jealous, He said pinching my cheeks and shaking them. "listen babe, I'm an agessive guy, and i need agressive sex. Sorry to break it to you but your just to weak," he slurred patting me on my thigh.

Fuck you J, I whispered under my breath. Before i could comprehend what was happening i was already on the ground holding my face. He had just slapped me.

"you watch who your talking to dollface, He said grabbing my hair and licking the blood rom my lip.

I squirmed trying to loosen his grip from my hair. OK OK, I'm sorry J, it won't happen again i squealed out as he through me to the ground.

Good girl, he said walking out the room and slamming the door behind him.  I couldn't believe it, he just hit me. the guy who was supposed to be my hero really turned out to be the villian.

I slowly curled up on the floor and cried myself to sleep that night, thinking to myself, does he love me or does he love me not. Whatever the answer, I nee dto find it out fast.

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