First day at school

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"I don't want to go!" I say as Joe and I walk to his car. "They will all hate me. I'm not American, I'm English! They won't like me, can't I just be home schooled by you guys?" I ask, pleading him. "Molly, you have to go to school. We can't keep you away from other people. C'mon, it won't be that bad!" Joe says as we pull out of the driveway.

"What school am I going to anyway?" I ask as I look out of the window. "You are going to Patrick's old highschool. Molly you will love it. Everyone at this school are massive fans of the band..." He says, trying to get me on side. "Do they even know you guys are my parents?" I ask. I don't think Pete, or anyone, has mentioned that they have adopted. "Yes, remember that group photo me, you, the other three and Bronx took?" I nod my head. "Well, Pete put it on Twitter, and captioned it 'meet the newest arrival! This is our adopted daughter Molly!' And everyone was really nice about it. Everyone was wishing you luck, and saying that you seemed to fit in really well... Don't worry, everyone will love you!" He says as we pull up to the school.

"Hi, you must be Ms. Stump?" I am greeted by a tall woman with black hair. She shakes my hand and we walk into her office. "I'm Mrs. Skelton. Well, here is your timetable, I'll walk you to your first class, and introduce you to the students. Hopefully I can find someone who is in your lessons." She says with a smile as we walk to my first lesson, music. I'm so pumped for music!

I walk into the class, and everyone stares at me as I stand awkwardly at the front. "Class, this is Molly Stump. I hope you all treat her well." She says as she leaves me there. SHIT! I scream in my head. "OK Molly, introduce yourself a bit." Here we go... "OK, well... Hi. My name is Molly. My last name is debatable as I got adopted by Fall Out Boy, which means I have four dads... I am 15 years old. I'm from England, and as you can tell, I have an English accent. I love doing boring things, such as reading, watching TV, etc. Is there anything else you guys wanna know?" I ask. Everyone's hands shoot up. "Um... OK! Tommy?" The teacher says, and a blonde boy at the back starts to talk. "Because you live with the most amazing band ever, are you musical?" He asks. I smile and laugh a bit. "If I wasn't musical, I wouldn't be here... But yes! I can sing and can play a bit of guitar."

They asked question after question, then someone put up there hand and asked the question I had been dreading. "Is it true that on your first day in America, you punched a guy in the face?" I suddenly felt the room go cold, and everyone fell silent. "Yes, that is true. In my defence, he grabbed me, and I was with my brother Bronx, so I had to do something. I don't do well with guys grabbing me and making me feel small..." I fade out and just look at the floor. "Sorry, its just, I heard some rumours on Twitter that you had, and I wanted to see if it was true." He said and sat back down.

"Molly, you can sit next to Arron." Mrs. Johnson says as she points to where she wants me to sit. Once she says that, she is met with 'ughs' and 'damn its'. I sit next to him and he starts to smile. Fuck! I think as I hear what she says next. "Everyone, I would like you to perform your pieces today. I hope you have been practising!" She says in an over-cheerful tone. "Mrs, what about Molly? What will she do?" I hear the girl next to me ask. "Molly, is there anything you can play?" I meet her question with a laugh. "Mrs, not to be rude, but I live with Fall Out Boy, and I listen to many punk pop/rock/punk rock songs... Yes, I can perform like the rest of the class." I say as everyone turns back to her. "I'm Sarah by the way!" The girl next to me says. "Well, thank you Sarah for asking her. I wasnt sure if she wanted me to perform as well." I say as the first person gets up to perform. Well this is going to be a fun lesson! I think as the song begins.

"Molly, do you want to have your turn now?" Mrs. Johnson asks. I take my place at the front of the class, pick up the guitar and start to play the intro to "bad enough for you".

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