Tour day!

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After waiting, attending school and shopping for last minute clothes and supplies, the first day of tour had arrived. I had set my alarm for 6 so I could unpack and repack, just to make sure that I had everything I needed. Now, at 8:15, I am sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, waiting for the others.

"Molly, have you seen my razor!?" Shouts Andy from the bathroom. It seems like I'm the only organised one in this family. "It's where you left it Hurley! Its up here..." I pick up his razor from the little legde in the shower and pass it to him. "Ohhh, thanks!" He says and chuckles nervously. I laugh and walk out of the bathroom, but bump into someone and stumble over, landing awkwardly on my wrist.

"Shit! Molly are you OK?" Asks Pete as he bends down to help me up. I wince in pain as he grabs the wrist which hurts. "Ow, no! I'm ok, my wrist hurts but I'll be fine!" I say as I stand myself up and hold my wrist to try and stop the pain. "We need to take you to hospital to check it isn't broken. Come on, I'll take you!" Says Joe, running out of his room and jumping to my rescue. "I appreciate the concern you guys have, but we need to leave for tour in 3 hours and none of you are ready. I'm sure its fine! It's probably just a nerve caught, or bruised." I try to sound reasurring, but I knew it was worse than I described.

Just as I say that, Patrick comes out of his room. "Molly, you are not OK! Sweetie I can see that you are in pain. Look, all I've got to pack is my toiletries, all take you to the hospital and get you checked. I will not let you suffer because we are going on tour, your health is more important to us." I give in and nod to him in agreement.

"If we aren't back in an hour, pack the rest of my stuff. Oh and don't forget to pack her surprise!" Patrick says as we walk out of the door. "Surprise?" I ask, completely dumbfounded. He looks at me and taps his nose to signal that it was a secret. Great! I hate not knowing! I think as we make the 15 minute drive to the hospital.

"Hi, my daughter fell on her wrist and we think she has broken or sprained it." Patrick explains the whole thing to the nurse, then we fill in the papers. "Umh... Who's last name do you want on the papers?" He asks looking up from the sheet which he has vigorously been writing away at. "I think I'll take yours, seeing as you drove me here..." I say to him, making him smile and cheer up.

"Molly, let's take a look at this wrist. Just pop it here so I can take an xray of it." The doctor instructs me on where to put my arm so he can get a picture of it. "Hold still now!" He says, and exits the room. A few moments later, he enters again and is carrying three pictures with him. "So, this is your wrist, and there is a break along here (pointing to the crack going lengthways along my wrist) and a small fracture over here (points to the bone again, but right on the edge, nearing my hand.) You are going to need a cast, and it will have to be on between 3-4 months. The break is pretty bad, but clean. No splintered edges, so should heal nicely." The doctor explains in more detail as we walk to another room to get my wrist sorted with a cast.

"I don't like it, its too heavy!!" We drive back to the house with music blaring. I got to choose the music so we are currently listening to "Reckless" by You Me At Six. Patrick rolls down the windows and we scream the lyrics as we drive though the busy streets towards the house. Many people stare at us, and give us weird looks,  but we don't care! I'm happy and finally feeling like I belong.

"WE'RE BACK!!!!!!" Patrick shouts as we walk through the front door. The rest of the guys run over and hug me to death. "A cast! You said it was probably bruised!" Joe says as I pull out of his death grip. I shake my head and smile. "Well looks like I was wrong!" I say as the other two hug me and inspect the cast. "I hate to be a killjoy  but we have to leave! Like right now!" Pete shouts and we all run to get our bags. Well, when I say all, I mean I'm made to get into the van while they get my bags for me. "I'm not incompetent! I can get my own bags guys...." I say, but they all look at me and shake their heads, grins spread across their faces.

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