First time in America

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*Petes POV*

Molly fell asleep just after she got back to Joe, which calmed our nerves a bit. "I hope she is going to be OK. I mean what if this happens all the time?" Andy looks towards Patrick and me. "She will be fine, she's told me that she's never done that before with heights. It was probably her nerves about being on a plane or something. You have to remember that she is only 15, and she has been in care for a long time. She is going to get nervous about things. Especially living with us..." Patrick explains to Andy.

They continue to talk while I look out the plane. I cannot wait until we get her home. I just know she will love it there. I think to myself . I turn around to see her blissfully asleep. I cannot wait until we get home, and she meets Bronx, Saint, Declan and Ruby. I know they are going to love their older sister, and I hope she will grow to us like her family.

"How long have I been asleep?" I hear a small, quiet voice ask. I turn to see that Molly is awake and rubbing her eyes. "A few hours, were nearly there." Joe says as she stretches. "Morning sleepy!" Andy says as he looks over at her. "Shhh! Stop being so loud! Im still half asleep!" She says as she throws her hands over her face. As they make contact, we all hear a *slap* and then an "Owwwwwww!" Followed with a laugh. Joe scruffs her hair up as a reassurance, but as soon as his hand moves from her head, she glares at him with such rage. "You did not just do that! Seriously! Hair is off limits! No one touches my hair apart from me!" She says as she hits Joe on the arm. "Owww! Sorry! Owww stop hitting me!!" He says and they get into a fight. Joe threatens to throw her off the plane, and she just goes "too far Joe. Too far..." I'm really glad we are all getting on so well.

*Molly's POV*

When the plane lands, we grab our things and head for the exit. "Wow!" I say as we walk outside the airport. The sun is shining down. There is people everywhere. "You OK kiddo?" Patrick asks me. I suddenly realise that I'm looking around me like I've never seen human civilisation before. "Yeah, I'm just astounded that's all. I can't believe I'm in America!" I say as the guys call over two cabs. "You can chose who you go with." Pete says with a smile as they all load the bags into the cabs. "I think I'll ride with you and Patrick, I haven't sat with you guys yet." I say as we pile into the cabs. Patrick gives the driver the address and we drive off into the abyss of traffic.

"So why did you end up in an orphanage?" Patrick asks. "My mum died of cancer when I was 2, and my dad left me with my grandparents. As much as they didn't want to, the put me into the orphanage at the age of 3." I say as tears start to creep down my face. I don't like recalling what happened to my mum. "Oh hunni!" Says Pete as he gives me a hug. Patrick put his hand on my back and rubs it sympathetically. "Don't worry, we are your new family now. I hope you see us as family anyway..." Patrick says to me. I let go of Pete and look Patrick in the eye. "Of course I see you as my family! The minute I got out the orphanage, you became my family, and I wouldn't change anything for the world. Your home is my home." I say to Patrick and Pete. I see tears in Patrick's eyes as I give him the biggest hug. Its not you I'm worried that won't fit into the family... I think to myself.

After an hour of driving, we suddenly turn onto a street. We drive past house after house, then get to a gate at the end of the road. Patrick takes a card from his jacket pocket, hands it to the driver, and he puts the card up to a scanner that is sat next to the gate. Once he does that, the gate opens and we drive off down a little lane. I start to worry about where they are taking me. Then I see it. A massive house is stood in front of us. The driver pulls up outside the front door, and we all climb out the cars. The guys grab all the bags, and we walk to the front door. Pete takes out his key, unlocks the door, and stands back as he holds the door open for me. I look around as I enter the house. "Wow!" I say as I look up at the ceiling. It was so high up! I then see the staircase leading upstairs to the second floor. On my left are two doors, and to my right is a closed door marked "studio". I take a few seconds to process all this, then I move further into the pristine hall.

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