Quotes That I Came Up With

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A/N- Every single one of these are by me. Enjoy...

DNA doesn't make family, love does. I always remember that when my parents yell at me.

It's not the beauty that makes the person, it's the heart. If you have an ugly heart, it doesn't matter how gorgeous you are on the outside.

You can cross your t's and dot your i's, but the memory of it will always die.

I call the side that wants to kill everyone my monster. But right now, my monster doesn't want to hurt you, I do.

You can never be obsessed, only addicted.

I don't have voices in my head, I just hear people you can't.

Some say the truth will set you free, that's a lie. The truth is, lies can protect us. Lies can keep us safe, safe from the truth.

The next time someone repidely tells me a lie, I will say this. It doesn't how many times you say it, that doesn't make it true. It only makes you wish it was true.

People always talk about the quiet before the storm, but no one talks about the quiet after. At least after the storm, you know it's really over.

Being invicable isn't worth it in the end, because even if people can't see you, you can't help but see other people.

I'm invincible because I'm not alive. No one can hurt me because I'm in a casket, and I can't feel a thing because my nerves are gone.

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Either way, if they are too far away you die.

When I'm in a room with another person, I feel like I'm only half there. When I'm in a room with two other people, I feel like only a third of myself. When I'm in a room with three others, I feel like only quarter of myself. When I'm in a whole crowd of people, I feel like I've disappeared.

Love makes you dumb, and hate makes you stupid. So either way you play it, you're making a fool out of yourself.

Let's say your loved one dies, whoever that may be, and you hear these words,

"It was a quick and painless death." That should make you feel good, make it feel better that they didn't suffer. So why doesn't it, why does it only seem to make it worse.

I envy the deaf, because sometimes I don't want to listen to people talk behind my back. I envy the mute, because sometimes I don't want to talk to my so-called friends. I envy the blind, because sometimes I don't want to see people tell me a lie. I envy the dead, because I don't want to do any of these things. The dead can't do any of these things, the dead can't hear, the dead can't speak, or see.

Love is fire, you can poke it, fuel, and use it for warmth. But sometimes that turns wild, a wild fire, a wild love. Then you're left wondering why your you're bandaged up with 3rd degree burns all over your body.

One day you'll wake up, and you'll realize the world sucks. You'll also realize that we suck for being apart of this world.

I'd do anything besides facing myself as I am. Anything to avoid asking why I hate myself so much.

The innocent will die before the wise, but a devil's child will surely rise.

Some people fall in love like they fall asleep. They're ready, they had it in they're mind when they went to bed. Others fall in love like they would taking a nap. At first they're staring at nothing, then they're out like a light.

You are a rock in my river blocking my water's flow, a clog in my lungs blocking my air blow.

A truth amd a lie are two different things. But when you tell the truth to cover up your lies, aren't they just the same then?

Some say you live and you learn and you never make the same mistake twice. Then explain gamblers that make money just to gamble it away again, prostitutes who have been caught but continue, parroliers that already have two strikes, prisoners that have been to prison more than once, murderers who know they are doing wrong but keep killing, rapists who know they are breaking innocent hearts but don't stop. Some don't live, some don't learn, some still make the same mistakes.

People have dreams to make it big, to be famous, and have unlimited money. I have a dream, a simple dream, to live to see tomorrow. Everyday I stay alive, I'm fulfilling my dream, have you?

Someone once asked me, "Why do you love someone who will never love you back?"

I replied, "Why do you breathe if you know you'll eventually die?

That person never spoke to me again.

Love is like a shooting star, it's hard to find, and when you see it you should act quickly. They are both very rare.

Sometimes more words are better than less words. Sometimes less words are better than no words. But sometimes no words are better than nothing at all.

I prefer my heart to be broken. That way when I meet someone they can mend it. I'd rather know they can fix my heart in the beginning then to have them break it over and over, again and again.

Numbing the pain for a while will only make it worse when you finally feel the pain.

The world is really, really stupid. If you want to live on this really, really world you have to really, really smart.

Why is it that whenever I cry, I always give the excuse that my eyes are watering?

It takes rain to create a rainbow, but a storm to create something truly unique and beautiful.

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