Parents Are The Real Childs

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A/N- Just my take on some of the parents and parenting styles out in the world. Sorta long, fictional, through the eyes of a character in a book.

I remember my parents saying,
Not to smoke, because it could be deadly
And yet my parents smoke three packs a day
Blowing smoking in my face, and telling me to go away
Yeah okay, ha ha ha ha

I remember my parents saying,
Not to lie, because it'll end horribly
And yet they lie to me all of the time
I guess parents are the only ones that can tell those little white lies
Ha ha ha ha, yeah okay

I remember my parents saying,
Not to worry, because it'll be okay if I don't hurry
Yeah, well I took it slow
And guess where I ended up
Homeless, without a job, or a high school degree
Now I followed my parents advice but they said it was all because of me
Yeah, sure, ha ha ha ha

I'll admit that,
I wasn't the best kid
I was drinking by twelve, doing drugs by thirteen
But my parents thought that the devil was inside of me
So they took me to church,
And what did I see?
A guy that wouldn't stop yelling
A man being nailed to a cross, and barbarians under him screaming
And you know what I did?
I fucking cried, I ran to the bathroom and fucking cried
I hated that place, but they took me there every single Sunday
And I cried every time, until I was eighteen

And at this moment, guess what I imagine,
My parents are drinking up a storm and smoking up the whole god damn bedroom
But that's okay they're adults, they can do that because they're older
Yes, because that law makes sense
You're older, therefore you have the right to kill your lungs and destroy your liver
Okay, yeah whatever

Oh oh oh, but I guess this makes sense,
That thousands of parents can go out out and get drunk every day
But as a teen, you can barely stay out past 9 fucking 30
Without being accused of unprotected sex or pregnancy
I'd like to tell the parents of the world to follow their own advice
And just because you're older and say things, doesn't make you wise

Random Demented StuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora