Isn't It Funny Now?

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I'm not a coward, I'm not afraid

This is all I've been thinking about, days upon days

You won't change my mind, you don't even care

Don't say you've been through the same thing, don't even dare

How many times have you been called an inhuman freak

Got pushed and shoved into a ten foot creek

When they know you can't swim, and they hope you drown

They hope you don't reach the surface, damn they hope you hit the ground

How many times have you cried for no reason

Get a scratch, keep picking, and picking, and picking the lesion

Have you ever been so tired of living that you just wanted to fucking die

Just wanted to shut yourself up so you can't hear yourself cry

And now your quiet, you don't know what to say

You've never felt this way, not ever in a day

I yell, "I bet you'd laugh if someone commited suicide!"

"Yeah, rather laugh with the crowd then an outcast and cry."

What's so funny about seeing someone die

Is it because of the blood, or the way they're laid out

Or is suicide just a funny fucking way to go out

Is it funny when you joke around, call her a bitch, says she's a cow

When she's hanging on a tree with a chain around her neck

When you call him a faggot, say he should go kill himself

And he takes a couple of pill bottle for the cabinet shelf

And he gobbles them down

Hey man why aren't you laughing, isn't it funny now

When you see the conflict in my eyes, someone has to die

You or me, I don't know, let's see

I put a bullet in the chamber, cock it, and put it to someone's head

One piercing sound then that person is dead

Everyone goes quiet, then they get loud

What, isn't it funny now

They're all cheering, "She's dead! She's dead!"

All because if what you said

And when you're watching me get buried six feet down

Ask yourself, "Why isn't it funny now?"

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