Questions For The Bullies Out There

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  • Dedicated to all the idiots that think bullying is cool

I've been wanting to ask these questions for a long time, so I'll ask it now. To any and all bullies out there, even if it was only once, or even if you don't call yourself a bully, my question is why?

I mean what does it prove? You're tough? You know how to hurt someone? You can call someone a name them run away? You can punch someone until they are knocked out? You're someone not to be messed with?

We've all most likely been through the school seminars about bullying, we've all had the counselor come in with a slide show or something, saying how wrong it is. Did that just completely drop from your mind?

So what you don't like what someone's wearing, or the way they look? So what you don't like someone's music taste? So what they look "emo", or they self-harm, or you just don't like them?

I'm not saying you need to like everyone, just keep your comments to yourself. No one needs to know that you think that guy is a "faggot", or that girl looks like a total "dyke", keep your mouth shut.

What is your wife or husband going to think of they figure out that you were the reason someone killed themselves? When you have kids, what if they get bullied? Are you just going to laugh at them and tell them to suck it up, or are you so sure that they'll follow in your footsteps and become a bully themselves?

What is the reason? Just to look cool? To get out your anger? Because you have a reputation as a rebel?

Maybe you just don't want to show your emotions, is that it? Is it too scary that you have to put someone through hell with you? Pick on someone your own size, someone with your strength, someone who you know could and will kick your ass.

Go find a reason to make someone feel like shit, and then you can do it. No not "Because I want to." A real fucking reason, give me one. If you don't have one them why are you doing it to begin with?

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