Pills & Me

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Pills: Don't worry, I'm here. There's nothing to fear. I'll be your guardian, your savior. No need to thank me for my favor. I'll take away all of the pain. I'll take away your emotions and make you sane. But there's one thing you have to do for me. You have to wear this empty mask of lies, so you can never truly see. I'm your pills, the ones you must take. I'll make you stock and tired, dumb and fake.

Me: I'm the one that has to take these pills. They leave me wrecked, disgusted, amd forever ill. The doctor says I'll feel better if I take these. But I feel so much worse I have to plea. "Wil you take me off of these chemicals? I feel like a robot, I feel mechanical. Someone else is in control. Because of these capsules of doom, I have taken a toll. I'm lost in my own mind, I can't escape. These pills lock me up in an invincible cage. I'd rather die then deal with this medication of mine. If I had to take one more pill, I won't know the meaning of 'fine'.

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