People Think Some Crazy Things

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People think they know what's going on inside my head, they think they know what I'm doing, but they don't.

When people see me on the phone think I'm being a typical teenage, texting my friends. But I'm really on here, looking for people to help me, looking for people that I can help.

When people see me with my earbuds in they think I'm being some punk kid, jamming out to screamo. But in reality, I don't have anything playing, I just have them in so that no one'll talks to me.

When people see me wearing all black they think I'm being a "scene kid". But I'm really just trying to blend in, to be unseen as much as possible.

When people see me sitting in my room all day doing nothing they think I'm being lazy. But in reality I just can't operate correctly anymore, it's so difficult to do the things people expect of me.

When people see me smile they think I'm happy. But really, I'm nowhere near happy, I'm just covering up my pain... Just covering it up.

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