Hello again

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Hi hi everyone-
I've come here to say I am in a very bad gay panic-
There is VERY LITTLE fan fic about my phat crush so I'm making my own.

It's Female X Female so if you like that then you might like my new story.
I might keep you guys updated about it but I won't force you to read it.

Though sadly I'm not too sure if I'll be able to finish this Fanfic but it's been fun with you guys along the way.

This story has been a joy to write and I never expected it to get this many views! Thank you guys so much for supporting me, I hope you have a great Easter.

Keep an eye out for a story called 'Side Step' on my profile as that is the one i will be working on.

Thank you so much.

- Bronwyn

((That's my name lmfao))

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