Chapter 7

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Logan smiles as Virgil holds onto him. "I wanna go downstairs" Logan takes Virgil downstairs and he looks at Patton. "Daddy!" Virgil giggles as Logan hands him to Patton. "Hi baby!" Patton laughs as Virgil kisses the tip of his nose. Patton continues cooking whilst holding Virgil. Virgil looks at the hot pan and reaches forward to touch it. Patton swats his hand away before he could touch it. "No!" Virgil holds his hand. "Owie..." "That's a big nono" Virgil looks up at Patton. "Why..?" Patton smiles sweetly. "It'll burn you." "Okay. I won't do it" "Good boy~" Patton continues cooking. "Can I go pway?" Patton nods putting him down.

"Yay!" Virgil crawls over to Logans piano. "Didn't I say not to touch that..." Logan watches sternly. "But..." Logan shakes his head and Virgil crawls to his toys and plays. He soon gets bored and throws a teddy then picks it up and throws it again as it lands near Logans piano. He crawls to Logans piano and he touches it as Logan watches. Virgil climbs up onto the stall and pressed random keys. Logan groans. "Virgil! What did I say!?" Virgil flinches and looks over at Logan. Logan picks him up and places him in a crib locking the bars. Logan sighs and sits back down; working. Virgil crawls around the crib making lots of noise whilst banging the bars. Logan groans again.

"VIRGIL SANDERS! STOP RIGHT NOW!" Logan sighs as Patton flinches. "Logan!" Virgil flinches and goes silent. Logan walks out of the house and gets into the car, leaving. Patton sighs. Virgil whimpers and Patton walks over to him hesitantly. Virgil looks up at him and Patton frowns. "Did I do something bad....." Patton sighs. "No.." "But dada left.." Patton looks down at him. "He is upset with himself" Virgil looks up at him sadly. "I want dada.." Patton nods. "I know but-" Suddenly the phone rings. Virgil jumps at the sudden noise and Patton answers it. Patton starts crying. "I-I'm on my way!" He picks up Virgil along with a diaper bag, his wallet and his keys then walks out to the car. Virgil is very confused. "What happened?" Patton shakes his head sobbing and buckles Virgil in the baby car seat and walks to the front getting in the drivers side. Virgil sniffles and Patton sobs as they pull up at the hospital. Virgil looks up at it and starts crying.

Patton gets out; going over to Virgils side and unbuckling him getting the diaper bag then picking Virgil up. Patton sobs. "It's okay baby~" Virgil cries and burries his head into Patton shoulder. "Dada!!" Patton quickly walks into the hospitals front desk. "I'm here for Logan Sanders!" The lady nods and leads them to the room Logan is staying in. Virgil looks around at all the people and whimpers. Patton walks in and sees Logan covered in cuts and bruises and cries. "Baby.." Virgil peeks at Logan and goes silent. Patton sits next to Logan as he wakes up. "Hi honey.." Logan sleepily replied. "Hullo.." "Dada.." Logan looks over at Virgil. "Hullo baby boy~" He cries. "Dada I'm sowwy!!" Logan frowns. "Oh baby... It wasn't your fault..." Virgil sniffles. "B-But I annoyed you and you left..." Logan shakes his head. "I got hit by one of my students. He was angry cause I failed him... It was his fault... Not yours." Virgil frowns. "He is is a meanie.." Logan nods. "Can dada hold you?" Virgil nods wiping his eyes. Logan lays him on his chest and holds him. "Try not to move too much.." Virgil lays on Logans chest. "I love you dada.." Logan smiles. "Dada loves you too~" Virgil smiles. "Can me and daddy go to work with you when you're all better?" Logan nods. "Maybe you can but daddy has his own job.." "Then can I go to work with you dada?" Logan nods. "yeah.."

He smiles and lays still. "Yay" Virgil yawns. "I'm tired dada.." "Me too.." Logan yawns as Patton lays with them.

《OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR THE SAD CHAPTER LOLOL. I might update again I just felt like writing a new chapter is I'm writing with my friend. Anyways- see ya'll later》
[Word count: 709]

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