Chapter 3

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The ding that ran throughout the hospital reminded Bora of the reason why she came to the dainty pink cafe that was on the skirts of Seoul.

"Sarang, please, listen to me."

"You can't just keep on ignoring me."

"Does our friendship mean nothing to you, what happened to us being soulmates. Why am I the only one putting any effort into this relationship."

"Will you please, please answer me."

"Even if you nod your head, I need a signal that you're listening, anything."

Sarang ignored her and continued wiping the tables, her hands were shaking and her head was bent down, hiding her glossing eyes.

And just like that, Bora decided that it was enough for the day, an hour spent trying to get the unwilling girl to talk to her.

"Good-bye." Bora walked away into the midday sun.

Bora : So there you go oh, can't make a wife out of a hoe hoe

Prissy Pants : ....
What happened?

Bora : Can't believe you'd just assume I'm in pain or something 👀👊

Prissy Pants : Why, am I wrong?
I'm not aren't I, stop lying *shrug*.

Bora : King of guessing aren't you 👉👈

Prissy Pants : I'm very emotionally contacted to the world.

Bora : she's ignoring me 😭

Prissy Pants : Send her a message.

Bora : She blocked me 🤡

Prissy Pants : Don't you have her Instagram or Twitter or something?

Bora: She blocked me there too...

Prissy Pants: Get a new number?

Bora: U r acting as if i know how to do that...

Prissy Pants: Weren't you the one with 10 numbers or something. Jeez, umm, how about you make another Instagram/ Twitter account and talk to her under another name.

Bora: First of all, I can't believe you believed. That was honestly pathetic at your side 🙂
Second of all, damn, how didn't I think of that 😔

Prissy Pants: I mean, you have to be smart to think of such awesome and amazing ideas.

Bora: That was certainly something I wouldn't have ever said to anyone but I guess, being nice isn't something everyone can do *hair flip*

Prissy Pants: I imagine you bald...

Bora: You imagine me, how sweet 😍

Prissy Pants: My mother just called me, bye

Bora: Wait what, if I find out that you lied to me... 🔥

Woojin smiled at his phone and started laughing. He needed the laugh. His new album was going to come out soon. His debut as a solo artist.

He sighed, he wasn't sure that he was so ready for everything that awaited him once he released his album.

The hate he would get, he wasn't even sure the album would come close to being a success.

Woojin knew all too well, that the devil himself played on the internet. He hated the blows he received on the internet, his confidence wasn't even that great to begin with, yet they made it smaller and smaller.

Then he remembered, he still had people supporting him, people who had seen past the lies that they were meant to be fed on the darned internet.

Woojin knew it wasn't their fault since he too, would believe stupid things on the internet sometimes.
Like the fact that polar bears were already extinct or that a person named Dorito created Doritos for his wife as a parting gift.

Stupid things that were completely false and without proof, yet, he believed them without betting an eye.

Woojin knew that he couldn't compare that to the situation which he had somehow landed himself in. Conveniently, before his solo debut.

That caused him to roll his eyes, rub his forehead in defeat and let out a loud sigh which bounced off the walls and hit his ears full force,"Why you gotta be so mean wall?" He asked, giving the wall a little glare.

"I thought we had a good level of communication going on between us. I thought we were best friends. What happened to us, huh?"

"Didn't know talking to a wall was the latest trend." Woojin whipped his head around. Before his sight, stood an old woman with a kind gaze. One could almost see that she had been a beauty in her youth,"I came to check up on my son only to find him going mentally ill."

"How are you?" Woojin ran to get and hugged her tightly. How he missed his mother's embrace.

The woman laughed and said,"What's got you happy today. I came to see you because I thought you might be stressed."

"Come Ma, let's go to the cafeteria and have a chat." He steered her away from the practice room they were in with a smile on his face and a light heart.

Who wouldn't be happy when their mother, who they rarely had time to see came to visit.


Bora: On the other hand, good luck. I know it might seem tough. I can 100% confirm that it becomes better over time. For now, have fun doing what you enjoy and remember, nothing good comes with worry, stress and problems so unwind.

Bora: Also, I just checked. There's no such thing as majoring in shopping. The flip you said to me 🤡


Thank you for reading!

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