Chapter 7

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Prissy Pants: I am going to change your mind!

Bora: About?

Prissy Pants: Idols.

Bora: No ❤️

I'm out * y e e t *

Prissy Pants: Wait! Come back. Where have you gone?


"...and then I was like, no but I added a heart and then I said that I was yeeting myself out." Bora burst into another spurt of laughter.

She leaned against the wooden door and let out a sigh. Not for anything in particular, she had laughed so hard at her narration of events.

"Doesn't this remind you of Frozen? Me trying to get you to come out and play with me but you're locked up in the room." Bora was leaning against Sarang's room door.

Sarang's mother had let her in without notifying Sarang. When Bora came running up the stairs trying to get inside the room before Sarang locked the door, she accidentally tripped and found herself late.

Now, she sat on the floor telling Sarang everything that had happened in her life when it was void of Sarang.

"Go away, Anna!" The somewhat deep voice of Sarang went through the door and reached Bora on the other side.

That's when Bora began wheezing of laughter,"You answered? I'm not dreaming."

The door yanked open and Bora fell, everything moved in slow motion. She saw Sarang's teary face, she saw the white ceiling then-

"My foot saved the day." Sarang's foot moved out to cushion her head from the fall.

"I'm going to kiss your foot." Sarang let out a shudder of disgust and attempted to push the now sitting Bora out of the room.

After a lot of failed attempts, Sarang and Bora collapsed on the floor laughing. Their limbs were tangled together and Bora's short brown hair was in Sarang's fist.

"I missed you."

"Oh really, I didn't."

"Hey!" The play fighting began again.

"I'm just joking. You know I can't live without you." Sarang winked at Bora and asked,"What brings you to my humble abode?"

"Boredom, I was bored. Look, right now, I'll let you go but we will talk about this one day." Bora replied putting emphasis on the word "will".

Sarang nodded,"I need time, I just need time." She looked up at her with a pained expression.

"Come on, tell me more about this Jinyoung of yours?" Sarang asked as they lay down on the floor, next to each other. They looked at the white ceiling with dried brown marks, one of the many signs that indicted that Sarang's house was as old as time itself.

"Ji Woo." Bora corrected and gave her best friend a little kick.

Sarang pouted,"Doesn't matter, just answer the damn question."

"Well..." Bora began, her eyes lit up with a red flame of affection as she began to narrate another conversation that had happened between Bora and the stranger named Ji Won whom Bora texted with a strong passion.


Bora: Guess what!!!!!!!!!!

Prissy Pants: You died and this is your ghost speaking to me?

Bora: No, but good guess bestie

Prissy Pants: Bestie? No!

Bora: Pwease 🤜🤛

Prissy Pants: Fine, but, I should be allowed to upgrade every once in a while.

Bora: Upgrade?

Prissy Pants: From internet bestie to actual bestie, to soulmate, to dairy, to King to the only friend you can count on.

Bora: Why do I get the feeling that I'm being scammed.... 🙂

Prissy Pants: Me? Scam! I would never, I can't believe you even thought about such an ugly thought!

So? Yes or no?

Bora: I mean, it can't get any worse.
Ugh 😤
Fine, yes 💜
I knew you had it in you bestie!


Thank you for reading!

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{Double Update, as somewhat promised. Anyways, today was all sorts of rough. Like why do these days keep getting worse and why the hell does school even exist!?!}

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