Chapter 8

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Bora took a deep breath.

"In and out," She muttered to herself trying to steady her breathing, she felt sick and nauseous.

"Ouch!" She yelled out as she bumped into the edge of the dining table. After Bora's visit to Sarang, she had caught a flu and now was sick in bed for the last two days. She had skipped university because of the darned flu.

She took a seat by the table and hugged herself, it was such an effort to walk when she was sick, her eyes were swollen and her nose was filled to the brim.


Bora: Guess what?



You gotta






Prissy Pants: Sorry for not replying, I was busy with work.

Bora: Don't worry about it, now guess quickly or I'lll get mad and no one wants a mad Bora

Prissy Pants: I don't want a mad one that's for sure

Bora:  Well... guess?

Prissy Pants:Concert ticket? 

A new piece of clothing

Bora: First of all, ouch, second of all, I will slap u

Prissy Pants: Oh sorry.

Bora: Nevermind bub
I was saying
I kissed my boyfriend
Never been happier

Prissy Pants: Seriously, imagine if I was really your boyfriend

Bora: Also, I have a flu
I'm a hazard to myself rn
I'm a dangerous hooman bean :)

Prissy Pants: You are a hazard to society. Don't worry, you aren't doing anything out of order now that you're sick.

Bora: Ouch 😭
To think I loved you

Prissy Pants: I have to go, I'll talk to you sometime later. Have fun!


Woojin ran his hands through his hair, ruining the hairstyle that the hairdresser spent hours upon hours on.
Maybe hours was an exaggeration.

"Past tense, huh..." He let out a frustrated sigh and clenched his hands in a fist.

"Woo, it's time to start filming," the managers voice rang throughout the room.

"I'm coming." Woojin yelled,"Just one second and I'll be there, I promise I won't delay the filming."

"Okay, then hurry up." Woojin un-clenched his fist and leaned his head against the cool, metal makeup table.

"Let's get the show going." He muttered to himself. He rose up from his seat and walked away towards the set.

Bora was not happy, she was sick in be and stuck with assignment upon assignments. Her teachers refused to take pity on her and delay her assignments. Left with no choice, Bora had made an unwilling Sarang her helper,"No! Write it formally. Don't joke around."

"It doesn't have to be this difficult, stop making it difficult and co-operate."

"Sarang! Are you paying attention?" Bora waved her hands in Sarang's face.

"I'm here." She grumbled,"I'm on Earth."



Thank you for reading!

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{Short chapter, the next one will be very long. ;)}

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