Chapter 5

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Mizuki’s P.O.V

-The day of the party-

I walked into Teas house, tonight was the night of her party, and she does this like every month, having a party. When I walked in I noticed that I was the last one here. "Sorry I’m late” I said laughing.

"It’s okay at least you made it" Tea said. "Okay everyone let’s start the party." I looked around at everyone and noticed a girl I never seen before.

"Hey Mai, do you know who the girl with Duke is?" I asked sitting on the couch next to her.

"Oh her, Dukes slut for the night" Mai said laughing; she stopped when she looked at me though. "Don’t worry about it Mizuki" She said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah" I said as I stared at them. Let’s just say the whole night Duke and his girlfriend was all over each other. It made me mad, but it shouldn’t have.

"Okay let’s play 7 minutes in heaven" Tea said as she grabbed a hat and made the guys put an object that they had in there.

"Great" I said rolling my eyes. “I just hope I don’t get stuck with Duke" I said. Mai just looked at me and laughed. As the game continued things got interesting; Mai and Joey were the first couple to go in, they came out holding hands, which didn’t surprise any of us; we all knew that they would get together one day. The next couple was Tristen and Dukes girlfriend. Duke didn’t look to happy about that, but there was nothing he could do, and let’s just say Duke got over her when he opened the door to her and Tristen kissing. It was funny, but I still felt sorry for him.

"Your turn Mizuki" Tea said smiling at me holding out the hat.

"Fine" I said. I reached in and wondered around for a while. When I took out my hand I noticed a pair of dice earrings. "I wonder who these belong to” I questioned sarcastically, throwing them at Duke and walking to the closet. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. I opened them when I heard the door shut.

"You don’t seem too happy" Duke said.

"I’m fine" I said, "Just wish I was with someone else, anyone but you" I mumbled.

"What was that?” Duke asked as he leaned on the other side of the closet.

"Nothing I didn’t say anything" I told him. After that we didn’t say much, time was ticking, and so was my time to ask Duke what I came here to ask him in the first place. "Sorry about your girlfriend and Tristen" I said breaking the silence.

"She wasn’t my girlfriend" Duke said harshly, "Just brought her here so I wouldn’t be the only one without someone." I couldn’t help but laugh. "And what’s so funny?" Duke asked. I could tell he walked closer.

"Nothing, it’s just funny" I said still laughing.

"Oh yeah and where’s your new guy at?" Duke asked. I swear I heard a hint of jealousy in his tone but I shook it off.

"I don’t like him like that" I said. I felt hands go on either side of my head, and I could feel Dukes breath on my face, meaning that he was really close.

"Who do you like Mizuki?" He asked me. Thankfully the closet was dark or he would have seen me blushing.

"I don’t know" I said.

"Are you sure?" Duke asked, leaning closer. I felt his lips brush against mine.

"Duke what are you doing?" I asked kind of breathless.

"This" He said as he kissed me. At first I didn’t kiss back. I mean I was shocked that he was kissing me, but after a while I kissed back. Duke put his hands around my waist, and I ran my fingers through his hair, which caused him to moan.

"Aww, looks like we didn’t miss anything!"

Duke and I stopped kissing and looked at Mai standing in the door way smirking at us. Everyone was looking over her shoulder like they couldn’t believe what they just saw. Duke and I looked at each other and blushed. I was the first to walk out of the closet, Duke following me. After that we didn’t say anything to each other, just looked at each other every now and then. When the game was finally over we decided it was time to watch some scary movies. Mai and Joey sat together, Tea and Yugi sat together, Tristen and the nameless girl sat together, and Duke and I just sat next to each other but not like the other couples were, wrapped up in each other.

Tea put in the movie Paranormal Activity 2. Great I hate ghost movies, and I mean I do believe in this stuff. As they movie kept playing I wrapped my arms around my legs, looking like a scared child. I heard Duke laugh at me. I looked over and gave him a death glare. He just looked at me and laughed some more. After sometime I felt Duke put his arms around me. I looked up at him but he just stared at the movie, not looking at me. I leaned my head in his chest and instead of holding my knees when I got scared, I held him.

"Well that was entertaining" Joey said as the movie ended.

"For you maybe" I said. Duke just laughed at me again.

"Okay guys’ time to go" Mai said as she stood up. Mai grabbed Joeys hand and walked out the door, leaving all of us staring at them.

"Looks like I'm not going home if I want any kind of sleep." I said.

"You can stay with me" I looked over at Duke and glared.

Dukes P.O.V

I told Mizuki that she could stay with me, considering the fact that Mai and Joey just left together, doing gods knows what. She looked back at me and glared.

"Don’t get any ideas Duke Devlin" She said. I couldn’t help but laugh at her again.

"I wasn’t" I said as I stopped laughing and looked at her. We all left Teas house, saying our goodbyes. Mizuki decided that she would stay with me. I told her I would sleep on the couch. When we got to my apartment, I went in my room to grab a pillow and some blankets, that way I could sleep on the couch.

"Umm Duke" I heard Mizuki said. I looked up and saw Mizuki standing the doorway, 'wow' I thought as I looked her over, 'she looks good in my clothes.’ I gave her some of my stuff to wear that way she would be comfortable.

"Something wrong Mizuki?" I asked still staring at her.

"Umm... can you sleep with me tonight?" she asked, looking at the floor.

"What scared that the ghost will come and get you?" I asked laughing, but when I looked at her, she looked scared and mad at the same time.

"Jerk" she said. I could tell that she wasn’t kidding about the whole believing in ghost thing.

"Alright, alright I’ll stay" I said setting my pillow down on the bed. I got in the bed and lay down, since I was already in my pj's. Mizuki walked over and lay down on the other side; she curled up and cuddled with the pillow.

"How cute" I said laughing as I stared at her.

"Don’t even" Mizuki said looking back at me glaring.

"I was kidding" I said as I turned off the lights, "Goodnight" I said laying back down, but when I did I felt Mizuki turn over and wrap her arms around me. I laughed and put my arm around her, holding her. Let’s just say this is the first time I ever brought a girl home and not sleep with them, but for some reason I felt like I wanted more with her, a lot more.

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