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Mizuki’s P.O.V

'I wonder why Duke just up and left like he did' I thought as I walked to Yugi’s shop. "Mizuki" I looked over and saw one of Dukes cheerleaders.

"Yeah" I asked confused. What does the cheerleader want?

"Can we talk about Duke?" She asked.

"Sure, but can we walk and talk" I said motioning her to follow me. "So what do you need?" I asked as we walked.

"How do you feel about Duke?" she asked me. I looked over at her weirdly.

"Why?" I asked, looking in front of me again.

"Well if you don’t like Duke then I would appreciate if you don’t lead him on to think you do” she said kind of harshly. I stopped walking and looked at her.

"Okay listen here I'm not leading Duke on. So whatever your problem with me is forget it because I’m not really someone you want to get on the bad side of, understand?" I spat. She put up her hands like she was surrendering.

"I was just saying Mizuki. It’s just that I know what happened at the party last night. Amber told me. She was the one that came with Duke to Teas party last night and she said she saw you guys kissing. And then when Duke came into his shop today he looked really down and all he would tell anyone was that he hates women” she explained. I didn’t say anything for a while. 'Did I make Duke feel like that?' I thought.

"Sorry" I said. I turned around and walked off. 'Maybe I should talk to Duke' I thought as I redirected my way to Dukes shop. When I got there something did seem off about him.

"What are you doing here Mizuki?” He asked looking at me surprised.

"Can we talk? Without your lap dogs" I question him while pointing to the cheerleaders.

"Sure" he said leading me into the back room, which was really nice; it had couches and chairs, snack and drink bar.

Dukes P.O.V

I led Mizuki into the back room of my shop. 'I wonder what she wants' I thought.

"So talk" I said sitting down on the couch. Mizuki took a seat next to me.

"I heard you hate women" Mizuki stated, smiling at me.

"I don’t know what you’re talking about" I said, 'damn cheerleaders and their big mouths' I thought.

"Anyways that’s not why I came. Duke I want to know something" She started, I looked over. I could tell she was having trouble putting what she wanted to say into words. "Duke, how do you feel about me?" She finally asked looking at me. I didn’t say anything for a while just stared at her, shocked that she would ask that.

"Why?" I finally asked her.

"I just need to know" she mumbled. I let out a heavy sigh.

“Mizuki I’m confused on how I feel about you. One day I hate you and I want nothing more than to wish that you’re never existed. Then the next day we are friends, acting like we never had a problem with each other. Then after that I felt more for you, like I liked you, maybe even is falling for you. I mean no offense but when you spent the night at my house I was surprised at myself because when I bring a girl home we sleep together, but with you I wanted more than that. I’m just, I don’t know, it’s all weird and giving me a headache" I finished, I looked at her and she was smiling. "What?" I asked looking at her weird.

"Nothing" she said laughing.

"So I tell you how I feel and you laugh at me" I said standing up about to walk out, until she grabbed me and made me sit down next to her again.

"I’m just laughing because I feel the same" I looked at her with shock. ‘She feels the same’ I thought as I continued to stare at her. I smiled at her.

"Really" I questioned in a cocky tone.

"Yeah" Mizuki said as she leaned in and kissed me. I instantly kissed back, the kiss got more and more heated. It ended with me on top of her.

"Mizuki" I said kind of breathless. "We can’t" I said.

"And whys that?" She asked, looking kind of disappointed.

"Because I just told you I want more than that from you” I said, giving her a serious look. She looked at me and laughed.

"I know Duke, and I wasn’t going to let you go that far. I’m still a virgin" she said laughing more.

"Yeah I know which is why I’m not going to force you into anything you don’t want to do" I told her. She stopped laughing and looked at me.

"So when I’m ready, you’ll be ready right?" She asked me as she put her arms around my neck.

"Yeah" I said kissing her again. "Oh and by the way I hope you know that your mine now" I said as we pulled apart.

"I know" She said smirking.

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