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Miranda woke up and she smiled feeling Ben’s arms wrapped around her waist. Her head was in his neck and her arm around his chest.

“Good morning.” Miranda spoke walking her fingers across his chest.

“Good morning.” Ben said squeezing her thigh. He pulled her leg until she was on top of him.

Miranda yelped and then laughed. She looked at the clock and saw that it was 6 am.

“You gotta go.” Miranda said and Ben smiled.

He leaned up and kissed Miranda. “I am. I love this messy hair Miranda. It reminds me of shower sex.”  Ben said wiggling his eyebrows.

“Why are you so nasty?” Miranda whispered.

“Like you moaned out last night, you bring it out of me.” Ben joked

“Ass.” Miranda smirked and kissed him. Ben shoved his tongue in her mouth and Miranda sighed kissing him back. She slid off of his naked body and sat in the bed.

Ben walked around and grabbed his pants and boxers sliding them on before walking out of her door quietly.

Miranda got up and she texted her hairstylist to see if she could take the 3 of them today.

She then took a shower and got dressed.

She walked out into the kitchen and saw Ben making omelets.

She sat at the counter and he sat down a cup of coffee.

“Thank you.” Miranda said softly.

“How are your parents.” Ben asked.

“From my mom’s mouth great. I barely talk to my father.” Miranda enlighten.

“What? Why?.”

“Because you know how he is Ben. He told me how disappointed he was when Tucker and I divorced. Now you can imagine, when you and I divorced. How disappointed he was in me with two fail marriages.” Miranda mumbled.

“I’m sorry.” Ben said earnestly.

“Hey, don’t be, even you said that you would have sent an email too.” Miranda joked lightly.

“Miranda.” Ben looked up at her from the stove.

“Miranda I honestly from the bottom of my heart did not mean that. I would have never ever cheated on you and I shouldn’t have thrown that in your face either.” Ben told her seriously.

“And not to talk bad about your father but, if he’s too stupid to see how successful you are in your career and with raising your child. Then you don’t need him, yeah I think we should have never split the girls up but we were doing what we thought was best as parents and he or nobody else can hold you for looking out for you and your children’s best interest. You are beautiful, intelligent, hardworking, yeah you have flaws and I was too stupid back then too.”

“I should have took your flaws and work with them because you are perfect Miranda, flaws and all. Everyone need someone to love you flaws and all.” Ben said now standing in front of her.

He could see her eyes start to water at his statement. She blew out a breath. “Well I guess none of it matters now. We aren’t together and that was in the pass but I do thank you Ben.” Miranda said seriously, clearing her throat. 

“ Miranda I want us again, I want the future not us in the pass.” Ben said seriously.

“Why won’t you just respect my wishes and just be my friend” Miranda argued.

“Because respecting your wishes is the reason we got a divorce. I didn’t want that. You did.” Ben retorted loudly.

“I don’t want to argue.” Miranda said seriously.

“Okay friend. “ Ben jeered.

Miranda pouted at him and the rolled her eyes.

“Good morning. Parents” Jasmine said coming around the corner followed by Jade.

“Good morning.” Jade said

“Good morning babies.”

“Good morning girls. Jasmine how do you like your omelets.” Ben asked.

“Bacon, ham, and cheese.” Jasmine replied and Ben smiled. He should have known it would have been the same as Jade’s.

After he finished everyone’s. They all sat down to eat. “After we eat and you girls get dressed, we are going to get our hair done. Ben you can have my car until.” Miranda said and everyone nodded.

“Ma, Maggie is doing a little science camp. With Sofia and Zola, could we go to the hospital too and then can we stay the night at aunt Callie’s house with Sofia.” Jasmine asked.

Miranda thought for a while. “That’s sounds great, yeah you can do that.” Miranda agreed before looking to Ben.

“Yeah by all means.” Ben added.

Ben dropped everyone off at the salon. “I’ll call you when we are finished.” Miranda said looking over at him before getting out of the car
“Okay.” Ben responded shutting her door behind her.

Miranda called Ben when they finished getting their hair done .

“Too beautiful.” Ben told all of them as they came outside.

“Thank you daddy.” The girls said and Miranda smiled telling him “thank you.”

“You like mom’s curls? Because she was unsure.” Jade asked

“I don’t just like them, I love them.” Ben answered and that put a smile on all of their faces.

“Thank you.” Miranda told him with a slight smile.

“Okay we are going to drop you off at the hospital, did you already pack your night bag? Because Callie is going to take you home with her when she gets off.” Miranda asked.

“Yes we did” Jade answered.

“Okay great me and your father will pick you up tomorrow” Miranda replied.

Ben pulled up at the hospital and he opened the doors letting them out.

“Miranda I’m going to walk them inside.” Ben stated and Miranda nodded.

“Alright babies, I will see each of you tomorrow and I love you so much, text or call me if you need me.” Miranda said through the window.

“I love you too.” Both girls said at the same time.

Miranda watched from the car window as Ben walked with both of his children. Putting his arms around their necks. She smiled to herself.

Maybe their arrangements was stupid. They deserved to be like this all the time.

“Okay so we are giving them this whole day, do you think they will realize they are meant to be?” Jade questioned.

“Hopefully our plan works. If it doesn’t I’m still hoping for a little brother.” Jasmine said cheesing.

“A brother, I think another little girl would be perfect.” Jade said.

“I’m praying that it’s just one baby. It gives them a reason to be together and not split ways with a child. That’s about the craziest shit I ever heard.” Jasmine said shaking her heard.

“I would love to live here in Seattle vs New York.” Jade said.

“I would love for you to be here with me too. Ooh and then get a new house with 5 bedrooms.” Jasmine replied.

“Look at you dreaming.” Jade said elbowing her sister.

“A girl gotta dream right.” Jasmine laughed.

“Dreams do come true.” Jade responded.
Ben got back into the car.
“I saw that there is a paint and sip hosted today at the lake, if you are interested. I reserved a spot just in case.” Ben said getting back into the car.

“You know what? That’s sounds great.” Miranda answered nodding her head.

“This time can you not poke a hornets nest.” Miranda joked.
“Funny.” Ben replied chuckling.

“ What time does it dtart do I have time to change?” Miranda asked.

“Yeah it starts in an hour and 15 minutes. “ Ben said looking at his watch.

Ben pulled up to Miranda’s house and opened the door for her. She put the code in and walked inside, walking to her room.

Miranda pulled out a black maxi dress with yellow sunflowers on it. She changed her clothes and put her sandals on.
Ben changed from jeans to shorts and a t-shirt.

Miranda took Ben’s arm as they walked through the grass field to sit at their canvas and chair, under the big tent.

“You know I’m going to paint a master piece right?” Ben said and Miranda laughed.

“Yeah we will see at the end but you already know that I was Picasso in another life.” Miranda said laughing.

“I don’t know why people pretend that man was a good painter. It’s the most weird looking things I ever saw.” Ben said and Miranda laughed loudly.

“Why are you like this?” She questioned giggling still.

Miranda and Ben sat and painted. Miranda grabbed her glass of wine and she took a sip.

“This week is the first time in years that I have did anything other than work.” Miranda said putting her glass on the table.

“So you like our date?” Ben questioned wiggling her eyebrows.

“Date? Man we are not on no date.” Miranda laughed nudging him.

“Miranda what is that?” Ben questioned.

“That’s my grass.” Miranda said laughing.

“Ooooh okay.” Ben said with wide eyes.

“Please Ben critic your own painting. What the hell is that “ Miranda laughed pointing to his make shift birds.

“They are birds.” Ben huffed.

“Oh they look just like little V’s but if I squint real hard. I think I see what you are talking about.”  Miranda laughed.

After they finished their paintings. Ben put them in the trunk.

He drove them home and Miranda opened the door. “So, do you want to watch a movie and we can make popcorn. Before we decide on dinner.”

“Oh yeah we can do that. What do you want to watch?” Ben asked.

“The darkest minds.” Miranda said as she pulled out the popcorn bags.

She put them in the microwave and let them pop.

Ben and Miranda sat on the couch watching the movie. Miranda occasionally glanced at Ben. She watched how he was focused on the movie but she suddenly wanted him and now was their chance to do whatever they wanted for however long and as loud as they wanted too.

Setting the popcorn on the table, Miranda slid over closer to Ben. Until she was close by his neck. She leaned down and gave him open mouth kisses; sucking some.

Ben cleared his throat. “ Miranda what are you doing.” Ben asked.

“You know.” She responded licking his neck.

Ben groaned and then lightly pushed her back.

“Uh uh Friend.” Ben said seriously.

“Really Benjamin.” Miranda said annoyed.

“I don’t just do sex lightly. I have enough friends and friends don’t do sex.” Ben said firmly but really he was just getting back at her.

“Friends with Benefits.” Miranda said questioning.

Ben raised his eyebrow and then his phone rung. Miranda looked to the coffee table the same time he did. To make sure it wasn’t one of her kids calling.

But she saw exactly who it was and she rolled her eyes. Ben looked to Miranda and she nodded her head telling him to answer.

“Hey Diana.” Ben said smiling.

“Oh no baby this time.” She said and Miranda could hear through the phone.

Ben paused for a moment.
“How are you?” She asked.

“I’m doing great. How about you.” Ben asked.

“I’m doing good, I just miss you and us.”

Miranda eyes widen and then she smirked before sliding back over to him.
Ben eyes immediately widen.

“Are you still there Ben?” Diana asked.

“Uh yeah I’m still here.” Ben answered clearing his throat.

Miranda rubbed her hand across his member through his pants. She slid until she was on his lap, her dress bunching at her waist, then she kissed on his neck as she rocked her self against him.

“We had this five alarm fire yesterday and it was so scary but thrilling. You would have loved it.”

“Mmm.” Ben said trying not to groan.
“Really where was it.” He asked curiously. He tried to grab Miranda hips to stop her from rocking against him but she popped his hand.

Miranda leaned up into his ear and she took his ear lobe in her mouth before whispering directly in his ear.
“Tell me no now Ben… say my name.”

“It was downtown on fourth street over there by our place to eat.”

“Dam sorry I missed it.”

“Mmm I’m not sorry you missed it. Firefighter Warren, I would appreciate it if you put this fire out in me.” Miranda moaned whispered softly still in his ear.

Ben coughed loudly. “you okay baby?” Diana asked concerned.

“Yeah are you okay sexy?” Miranda asked whispering softly.

“Mmhhmm.” Ben said answering Miranda.

“Okay good.” Diana said and Miranda chuckled.

“Hang up Benjamin.” Miranda moaned quietly.

“I can’t wait until you come home Ben. I’m glad you get to spend time with your daughters, I know that meant a lot to you.”

“Yeah it does.” Ben replied.

“I’m close just from this Ben. I need you to fuck me, hang up.” Miranda moaned quietly. Miranda was wetting his pants with how wet she was and Ben looked down at the sight licking his lips.

Ben listened to Diana ramble before he cleared his throat. “Hey Diana, can I call back later? The girls have me participating in all these activities.” Ben lied

“Sure baby.” She said and Ben hung the phone up before she could say something else.

He threw his phone on the table and flipped him and Miranda over so he was on top.

“Miranda what the hell was that? You are something else woman.”

“Why would you answer the phone for another woman when your sleeping with me?” Miranda asked laughing but seriously.

“You told me to and according to your words. Benjamin this was a one time thing.” Ben laughed mocking her voice.

“Okay well I lied both times, but come on Ben I want you to fuck me, so bad, so come onnnn, while the girls are gone. I can be as loud as I want and so can you. We-

Ben cut her off kissing her.

“Okay now we’re talking.” Miranda smiled pulling her dress up sliding it off her head.

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