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Miranda smiled as she laid on the bed with her daughters as they watched TV and ate snacks. She loved her weekends with them. She had to work all day today and she was glad to come home to them.

She was extra tired and had been a lot lately but she pushed her fatigue aside and interacted with them.

Miranda looked at her phone as it vibrated. "Dam. Girls I have to go in." Miranda said annoyed.

"I should be back a little later, it's trauma in the pit." Miranda said getting up.

she felt exhausted as she groaned. Miranda walked into the pit and she assessed the situation. She shouted out orders and told people what to do and where to go.

"Torres." Miranda called out.

"Hey chief." She said smiling before looking her over.

"What?" Miranda asked and she felt her nose.

"My nose is bleeding." Miranda gasped.

"Hold on let me get you a tissue." Callie said jogging to the counter. She grabbed a couple and held it out to Miranda.

"Hold your head back. " Callie said and Miranda did as told.

"Hmm." Callie said thinking out loud before laughing.

"What's funny?" Miranda questioned.

"Oh sorry I was just thinking about Sofia. The only time my nose bled out of the blue was when I carried her.

Miranda's eyes widen. "Really, that’s a symptom."

"Yeah it's one of the unusual ones but it does happen to folks." Callie answered.

Miranda thought about her sleepiness, unusual taste in her mouth and headaches.

"Bailey are you pregnant ?" Callie asked amused.

"No, I had my cycle last month. " Miranda countered but then thought about how it barely was a cycle. She only came on for one day but she also thought that was because she was getting older, her cycle was getting more irregular.


"Huh." Miranda answered.
"I'm thinking I'm might be pregnant." Miranda said frowning.

"When all of this calm down we can open the clinic and take a test." Callie said seriously touching her shoulder.

"Okay " Miranda agreed blowing out a breath trying to calm down.

When the time came Miranda and Callie walked across to the clinic and Miranda unlocked the door.

Miranda grabbed two test out the containers and she walked to the bathroom to pee.

Callie and her waited and talked until the timer went off. Miranda hopped up out of nervousness and grabbed both of the sticks.

Her eyes widen at the screens. "Well shit." Miranda mumbled.

"What? Aww you’re not." Callie said sadly

"What do you mean aww I'm not. I think it should be aww you are pregnant."

"I'm confused." Callie remarked.

"I'm pregnant Torres." Miranda groaned.

"Oh yay." Callie said clapping her hands and Miranda gave her a stop it look.

"Your not happy. "

"I'm 40 Callie and having a baby by a man I divorced." Miranda said upset.

She didn't want to do this all over again.

"Ben's a good guy." Callie replied.

"Don't you think I know that." Miranda countered.

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