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The next morning Miranda woke up and she threw her bra and underwear on before putting her robe on. She couldn't believe that Ben didn't come into her room last night as she expected.

Miranda walked to the front of the house following the laughter of Ben and her kids. She smiled when she walked in the living room, they were putting together a puzzle.

"Good morning." Miranda said to them.

"Good Moring." The twins greeted.

"Good morning." Ben replied and Miranda looked into his eyes before putting her head down quickly.

"So what are we doing today?" Miranda asked the girls.

"I was thinking we could go to the escape room." Jasmine said.

"And then later the new star wars came out and I never got a chance to see it and want to " Jade said and Miranda smiled and nodded. She wanted to see that one too.

"Okay great so that's what we will do." Miranda told them.
"I have one thing I need to go handle at the hospital and I will come back here by 2 and then we can go." Miranda enlightened.

The remaining days finally passed and Miranda was honestly sad. She didn't really want her child to leave again...or her father. She enjoyed having them both here and she didn't know what to do.

"Jade bring your bag so I can put it in the trunk." Miranda heard Ben call out.

Miranda sat on her bed and she blew out a breath. She really didn't know what she wanted and it was pissing her off.

Miranda walked out into the living room and she looked at Jasmine and Jade who both held the same look; Disappointment and sadness.

Ben came back from outside and Miranda looked into his eyes before averting them.

"Hey girls can you go get in the car. I need to speak to your mother for a minute." Ben asked handing them the keys.

He watched as they walked out and he shut the front door.

"Dam I left my purse in my room." Miranda said turning on her heel to go get it. She grabbed her purse from the side of her bed and proceeded to walk out of her room.

Ben met her at her bedroom door and before she could say a word. He smashed his lips against.  Miranda gasped from surprised but quickly sighed and fell into him.

She moved her lips against his. Miranda opened her mouth to allow Ben's tongue in and she swiped hers across his. Ben hands traveled down her body until it landed on her ass and as he groped, she moaned. He then lifted her legs up and she wrapped them around his waist. There was nothing better than the taste of Ben's mouth devouring hers. Pulling him closer, and wrapping her arms around his neck, Miranda kissed him back fiercely, licking at the inside of his lip, at the roof of his mouth.

Miranda continuously moaned before they broke apart for air.
"Jesus." Miranda said touching her lips looking at him with hooded eyes.

Ben stared at Miranda like he was trying to memorize her as he let her down. He then back away from her and turned to walk out the door.

Miranda continued trying to catch her breath and she whimpered before pulling herself together.

She walked outside and got into the car as Ben opened the passenger door for her.

Miranda was silent and looked out the window the entire ride.

When they got to the airport Miranda got out and didn't bother to wait for Ben.

Miranda pulled Jade in for a long hug and Ben did Jasmine the same.

"I will see you next month for your birthday Jade. I love and will miss you so much. Just know that you are my baby, my mini me. There is not a day that will go bye that I won't think about you. Call and text me everyday. " Miranda insisted kissing Jade on the head.

She watched as Jade and Jasmine hugged before breaking apart.
"Bye." Everyone called out to each other.
Miranda gave Ben a slight smile and she watched as they turned and waked away.

Jasmine blew out a breath and got back into the car sitting in the back seat.

"So what? You think I'm your chauffeur. " Miranda said looking back at her.

"I'm upset right now ma." Jasmine replied looking at the window.

"I'm sorry Jas." Miranda told her seriously. 

"Me too. I feel so bad for me and my sister that our parents made dumb selfish decisions and suck." Jasmine sneered as a tear fell out of her eye.

Miranda gasped before looking  in the rear view mirror. "Excuse me, Jasmine Elena. I don't care how upset you are, who the hell do you think you are talking to?" Miranda angrily yelled.  Hell she was upset too but she wouldn't take any disrespect from her.

"Nobody. " Jasmine mumbled.

"Ohhh so now I'm Nobody.  Well you better figure out who I am and understand that I'm not the one. " Miranda stated sternly.

Jade was silent when they arrived back home. She walked to her room and plopped on the bed.

"Jay, think about what you want to do for dinner." Ben said and she rolled her eyes sliding into the bed.

Jade looked up when she saw a text messages from her sister. She smiled and opened it.

Jas: are you home yet?
Jay: yeah we just got in.
Jas: I don't understand what's wrong with our parent for them to have multiple degrees and to have been a doctor for so long, it's ridiculous. I told ma they suck. 🤦🏾‍♀‍

Jay: yeah it's like they are choosing to walk around blind on purpose🙄 and you did what? 😳 I'm assuming that didn't go right.

Jas: yeah, I didn't think before I spoke and she did the whole who you talking to scenario and what not.

Jay: you play with fire too much. Lmao

Jas: sis I'm just doing me. Ask dad why? He does better with questions than mom.

Jay: Okay I will.

Jade got up and went into her dad's room sitting on the bed.

"Dad I just don't understand why. You love mom and I know she loves you. I want to live in Seattle with them.

"So you want to leave me to?" Ben asked irritated.

"Of course not Daddy I love you but I also love my mother and my sister and you do as well I just don't understand why are we not with them in Seattle. " Jade asked seriously

"Your mother does not want to be with me and there is nothing that I can do about that. It was the same as it was 14 years ago. We love each other but that's not enough." Ben explained.

"But you both slept together. " Jade said confused.

Ben's eyes widen at her statement. 

"Me and Jasmine saw you both laying in bed together without clothes so I know you both slept together." Jade told him pushing her glasses up.

"Uh um. " Ben scratched his head not knowing what to say to her statement.

"Jay that was a moment of weakness. It's also how people express their love for one another. It's complicated. You won't understand until you are older. Very older." Ben said sternly.

"Soo me and Jas figured out what we wanted to do for our birthday. " Jade said hope full

"So what is that?" Ben asked glad that they were off the subject of Him and Miranda.

“There’s this place in California. Where it's a resort meant for teens.”

"Are you asking to be dropped off at a resort? You and your sister? By yourselves?" Ben asked scuffing.

"Not really. You and mom are coming. It's stuff for adults too, but there is stuff that is mainly for teens. There’s a teen club, Other offerings include an arcade and a PlayStation and Gamer Lounge. If that’s not enough, there’s a teen-only Beach Shack and Island Impact, a volunteer program offered through the Sandals Foundation and it's a fun way to give back while on vacation. Every night from 8:30 to midnight, the Core Zone hosts special teen socials, such as disco mixers and bonfires." Jade explained.

"Send me the link to check out everything and I will talk to your mother about it." Ben said seriously.

The next day Ben went to the station to work an 8 hour shift.

"Hey baby." Diana said coming around the corner as Ben cleaned the firetruck.

"Hey." Ben replied sadly. He needed to end it with her and he didn't know how he should or if this was a good time to now.

Maybe I should wait after her shift Ben thought.

Ben hugged her and she smiled. "Dinner tonight?" She suggested. 

"Sure, and Diana I have something I want to talk about. It's something really important ,but I'll tell you tonight at dinner." Ben told her seriously.

"Okay." She responded a little nervous and then smiled before saying "I'm going up to the gym, call me if you need something."

"Okay will do." Ben said watching her walk away.

He blew out a breath and shook his head. Miranda always put him in deep shit.

At dinner Ben fiddle with his fork.
He was listening to Diana rambled about work again but he wasn't even listening, cutting her off Ben spoke
"Diana, I can't be with you." Ben blurted out. 

"What?" She gasped.

"We can't get married or be together. " Ben stated firmly but with sadness.

"I don't understand" she responded her voice breaking up.

"Di I am in love with someone else and it wasn't anything you did it was me, I never got over my previous relationship and I'm still loving that person. I thought it was over or that I was over it but I'm not." Ben explained sadly and it was sad. It was sad that he couldn't move on with this relationship or his previous marriage.
  He hated that he loved Miranda and it was even worst that he knew she loved him back.

Ben watched as Diana swallowed hard and tears pricked her eyes.
"Okay." Was all she said before she stood up. She took her ring and slid it off her finger and sat it on the table it front of him before she turned to walk out.

"Di, wait." Ben called out.

"What Ben? This is embarrassing and I want to leave." Diana responded wiping her eyes.

"I don't want this to change us. You're my best friend." Ben said seriously. 

“Change us? Ben we were friends then we were dating, having sex and got engaged. You leave for one week and come back to break up with me and call off our engagement. This changes everything." Diana sneered crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry." Ben countered.

"Me too." She said before leaving him completely. 

Ben looked at his phone as it chimed.

Miranda: Hey, have you seen this ?
Miranda texted sending him a link.

Ben clicked on the link and saw the brochure to the resort Jade was talking about.

Ben: I haven't seen it but I heard. Jade asked me last night.

Miranda: So what do you think?

Ben: I think that our daughters have a rich life style. Lol

Miranda: Lol I told Jasmine that I'm the one that's wealthy, she's not.

Ben: they are such good girls though.

Miranda: they are, we did good Benjamin Warren.

Ben: But I'm down for the resort. They deserve to really enjoy their first birthday together and I could use the beach and some sun.

Miranda: Gosh me too, a nice Mai Tai is calling my name.

Ben: Okay great, I'll set it up and get everything booked. Do you want to drive or a flight?

Miranda: A flight but I'll take care of that part.

Ben: Okay great, I'll see you in a couple of weeks.

Miranda: Alright, good night Ben.

Ben: Good night Miranda.

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