I Fucking Hate Grape (Kaidou) (p2)

14 1 7

f/o' Kaidou Shun

triggers ' n/a

kaidou: exists

me: is madly in love


The rain had gotten heavier than when we first noticed it. I couldn't see it through my closed blinds, but I could hear the rain beating on my window with much more force. The rain had forced us to cancel our plans with the rest of our friends, but in my eyes that was okay. I really hadn't felt like hanging out with a group of people today. Even if they were my friends, it was so draining to socialize some days. Today was one of those days. It's nothing personal, and most of my close friends know that I just want to be left alone to recharge. Or around someone that can take the ease off. Like Kaidou.

Saiki was kind of the same way around his friends.

"Oh! I just remembered!" I gasp, patting his head three consecutive times before leaning down to feel underneath my bed. My hand collides with a lot of things; junk, wrappers, empty water bottles, but not what I'm looking for. "I forgot I had these,"

"Had what?" Kaidou rubbed his eyes with a balled-up fist.

I don't try to hold back the excited breath that forced its way out. "Jelly beans!" I pull myself back up onto my bed. My face was starting to flush from having been upside down, but I held the unfinished bag of jelly beans in front of Kaidou. He just tilts his head up to meet my eyes, his gaze tired and waiting.

"I'm not technically supposed to have them because they were supposed to be a gift," I clarify. "but my dad left them out in the open and nobody told me they were a gift until after I started eating them," Which I still think I shouldn't have gotten in trouble for. I didn't need to keep complaining to Kaidou though. Even if he never mentioned how annoying it must be.

He listened politely like he always does. Almost as soon as I finished speaking, he let out a confused, "Wait, so am I not allowed to have some?"

I laugh, "No, take as many as you want!" I unroll the bag, "I already got yelled at for taking them anyway, so, might as well reap the benefits."

"Benefits of being yelled at?" He jammed his hand into the bag as soon it opened.

"Benefits of finding the jellybeans in the first place," I corrected as he took out a handful of multicolored jellybeans. A few fell onto my bed but most of them stayed in the captivity of his grasp. He moved from my chest to sit across from me.

"But leave the orange ones! They're my favorite!" I add before peeking into the bag. Speaking of which, there were almost no orange ones left. I'd been very picky about which ones I ate, and if Kaidou hadn't come over I would have thrown the bag away once I couldn't find any more orange.

He wrinkled his nose, "You mean the sour ones?"

"Yeah! Or... do you want them instead? Because we can totally share if you want,"

"Not at all, they're so gross." He spread the handful of jelly beans in his lap, sorting through them and idly tossing the orange jelly beans in my direction.

"What? No, they're not!" I said as I popped one into my mouth. They're sour but they're not gross. "You like apple juice, you have no right to speak on what's gross or not,"

"Don't slander apple juice just because you've only ever had an off-brand version of it," He insults with his mouth full. I grimace and go back to looking through the bag of jelly beans. Gross. "I want the blue raspberry ones," He says. Before I can respond, his hands are grabbing at the bag and he's shoving his big head in front of the opening.

"Kaidou, just pour it on the bed," I brush blue tufts of hair out of my face. "Then we can look for what we want together."

"No!" He groans, "Aren't your sheets super dirty?"

"I washed them like a week ago or something," The 'or something' part made Kaidou pause in his search and glance up at me in doubt. The only difference is that this time I was being honest. My sheets had gotten so messy that it grossed even me out, so while it might not have been a week ago exactly, it was still very recent.

I wave away his concern. "They're clean enough, okay! I'm not that nasty or anything," I add before turning the bag upside down and letting the jelly beans scatter across my bed. Some rolled to the floor, but I didn't mind. I'd either end up cleaning them up later or sweeping them under my bed.

"What about the ones left over?" Kaidou asked.

"I dunno." I shrugged, "We'll throw them away or something."

"Saiki would probably like them!" Kaidou added thoughtfully. It made my stomach flip and my shoulders dropped tension that I didn't know I'd been carrying. I would never say it out loud, but it was little things like that that made me fall more and more enamored with him. Just seeing him be him. Always thinking about his friends even when they weren't here. Yeah, sometimes that could be a pain when he ditched mid-date to go fight The Dark Reunion with his friends, but moments like made up for it.

"Mmm, doesn't he just like chocolate stuff?" Not just coffee jelly either. Cakes. Cheesecakes. Pie. Mostly rich sweets. But jelly beans are chewy and not something I'd ever expect Saiki to crave.

"Nah, he likes all sorts of sweets," He reached over to grab a handful of jelly beans to sort through. In front of him, he'd laid out two separate piles. One pile was blue raspberry. One was orange for me.

He adds a quick, "And if he doesn't want it we'll just give it to Nendou! Now scooch, there's some under your legs" I apologize offhandedly and scoot out of the way, using my arm as a barrier for the jelly beans so they don't roll off the bed while I adjust myself.

"Saiki wouldn't take jelly beans that we've already touched," Even I probably wouldn't if I were Saiki.

"Sure he would! Besides, we wash our hands so it doesn't even matter."

For as long as I've known Saiki, I'm almost positive that he wouldn't even be flattered if we tried to give an already opened and touched bag of jelly beans to him. Nendou, on the other hand, definitely would take them without questioning where they'd been.

I join Kaidou in sorting through the jelly beans. Mostly I'm just looking for orange jelly beans to eat instead, Kaidou could find his own blue raspberry jelly beans if he wants them that bad. My fingers bump against a dark jelly bean. I almost mistake it for blue, but there's something off about it and I can't tell with how dim it is. "What kind is this? Purple?"

Kaidou laughs, "Purple isn't a flavor!" He leans over so he can get a clear view of what I'm looking at. After a moment of hesitation, he answers, "Also, it's grape, I think,"

Gross. Artificial grape always tastes bad. It's like cough syrup. I wouldn't even want Saiki (or Nendou) to have to eat that. I pick up the jelly bean and toss it across the room. It smacked against the wall almost in time with the rain outside. "Fuck grape jelly beans,"

He grinned and let out a warm laugh, "I hate grape." 

thinking about sleepy peaceful kaidou being woken up and looking at me all tired AH OKAY GOODNIGHT GOODNIUGHTT!!! GONDIGTH!!REAWASDASDA

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