Another Light Of Moonlight (Anders)

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f/o ' Anders

tw ' n/a

because yeah I'm in love with him :eyeroll:


I don't think people realized just how exhausting it was being Hawke's hiree. Running from person to person trying to find job opportunities for her. Keeping an ear out for any hint of an extra pair of hands needed. No matter what the job was, Hawke needed my help getting the sovereigns. Varric's expedition was possibly the only thing to get Hawke out of the slums, and with a hefty price of fifty sovereigns to even be recruited, most people would start getting desperate with the work they took on. I'm just unlucky enough to get dragged along with it because Hawke couldn't do it alone.

Most days I'd come home sore and worn. Carrying enough of a pissy mood to last the rest of the week. And I was lucky enough to have Ander's offer a place to stay at his clinic, though I'm pretty sure I'd have crashed at his place even if he didn't offer.

My head settled comfortable on his pillows, my fingers parting the pages of a book I'd picked up in my spare time. Which was scarce and mostly only before I turned in for the night. I sink into the blankets spread across Anders' bed, letting out a content sigh as I flip the page.

"Lights out, I'm ready for bed," Anders' voice interrupted the silence. I slotted my thumb in between the pages as a bookmark before turning over to face the forever-disheveled emotional mess that was Anders. I was already teetering on the edges of sleep, but the book was keeping me hooked just on the corner enough to stay awake. Sleep would have sounded amazing on my own accord. Now that I'd been told to go to sleep, however, I was more wide awake than ever.

Anders snapped his fingers and with that, the candles hanging on the walls of his room flickered out. I whined, "What? Noo, lights on!" I'd snap them back on if I were a mage. "I was reading, asshole!" I squinted at the blurry figure just barely illuminated in the moonlight shining through his windows.

He let his lips part in a yawn, his back popping down his spine into his knobby knees. It makes me want to coddle him like I always want to. But especially so because I know how he's been dragged along with me to assist Hawke too. Though Anders willingly volunteered to help, and I did not. "Oh, yes, I know. You've had over an hour to finish reading," The bed creaked as he sat atop it, "now please, can we go to sleep?"

"I'm not done reading," I said, a yawn slipping out moments after Anders did.

He let his head fall back against the pillow next to mine, puffing his cheeks out in an exhausted sigh. "Love, it's night. I'm tired," His head turned just enough so he could glance up at me, using a tone that I knew all too well. Too tired to debate and desperately hoping I'll comply.

I reach over to brush a strand of hair out of his face. He furrowed his brows and blew at the loose strands. His hands fumbled to reach for the tie holding his hair together.

My lips curl into a warm grin. "So? You can sleep, I'll be here reading and you won't hear a thing,"

He pulled the tie out, his hair falling just above his shoulders. Kicking off his shoes, fighting to get them off, "That's never how it works, you always move around too much for me to fall asleep." He said, so serious that it was almost comical.

"Mmm, sounds like a you-problem." Yet I'd already set the book aside onto a nearby bedside table.

A faux-offended scoff leaves his mouth, and he turns to smack a mark into my arm with the tip of his shoe. I snort, my hands immediately darting to rub at the afflicted area.

"Dickhead, that hurt."

"Good." He grinned, shaking his head before reaching over to wrap his arms around my middle. I let out a startled yip as he pulled me over to our most frequent cuddle position; that being my entire body draped over his front. It takes a moment of shifting around for us both to be comfortable, but when we finally find that I can't be bothered to argue anymore. I was tired. He knew that. I knew that. The book was mostly a way to unwind for the night, but sleep is what I needed more than anything.

I turn my cheek to press against his chest, letting out a soft, "Isn't this uncomfortable for you?"

Though I can't see it, I just know he rolled his eyes. He gave a soft squeeze around me, a warm hum leaving his lips. "Not a bit. Now, rest, we've got a lot of stuff to get done tomorrow,"

I groan. "Don't remind me. I'm trying to pretend it doesn't exist."

A half-hearted laugh escapes as he leans down to press a chaste kiss to the top of my head. I let my eyes flutter shut. "Oh, don't worry, I am too."

I have to piss so bad </3

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