A Cheat And A Fraud! (Kaidou)

16 1 0

f/o ' Kaidou

tw ' n/a

wow this chapter explores dynamic of me squirreling past my education and how kaidou handles that 
also the song above is included just because I discovered this song right around the time I started cheating on all of my schoolwork so I thought it was fitting :P

When I chose to go to the park with Kaidou - just the two of us - I didn't count on it raining. I didn't check beforehand, but I had a sliver of hope that it would be sunny. Perfect for strolling around an empty park and having fun. Now, as far as the weather's concerned, the most that we can do together is hide under a plastic playhouse to not get drenched. A playhouse that's clearly made for kids; judging by the way Kaidou and I had to sit in a slouch just to fit.

A few things distracted me enough from the familiar ache down my spine; Kaidou sitting behind me humming a tune was one of them. His arms fit snug around my middle. I'd grown more outward rather than upward like Kaidou did, which I initially grew to hate, but moments like this made me feel more comfortable with that.

We sat in the wood chips and it was only mildly uncomfortable. Blue tufts of hair poked out in my peripheral vision as he peeked over my shoulder to glance at my half-finished and half-assed homework. My phone sat in one hand while my pencil was in my other. I'd just submitted an algebra question to a website that prided itself on being a place where "students can tutor other students for free."

Which was total bullshit because it was mostly just used by students that wanted an easy way to cheat.

I blew a frustrated sigh from my lips, tapping my pencil against the folder propping up my homework. "Kaidou?" I began.

He'd stopped humming, leaning forward to rest his chin on my shoulder instead. "Hm?"

"What's the answer to this question?" The end of my pencil pointed to an equation in the middle of the page. I wouldn't even know where to start if I wanted to try and solve it on my own. It looked like a jumbled mess of numbers, letters, and symbols that I didn't recognize. When the fuck did math get so complicated? What happened to learning long division?

If Kaidou didn't occasionally pester me over my missing assignments, I wouldn't be doing this.

"I'm not gonna help you cheat," Which should have been expected from him. A part of me had hope that he'd make an exception this one time; he didn't.

I roll my pencil across the paper idly, "But you're not stopping me from cheating." I lift my phone for emphasis.

"Mhmm!  Cheat away. If anyone asks, I never saw you do this." He says, "especially if any teachers ask. I was never involved," With that, he gives a soft, loving squeeze around my waist and returns to humming peacefully in tune with the rain. Which would be calming if I wasn't so hung up over not being able to finish this assignment. I wouldn't have to stress about it anymore if it was done.

If it's out of sight, it's out of mind. But it's very much in sight and making me feel stupid for not recognizing anything on the page. I should know this, but I don't because I cheated my way here.

I blink away a frustrated tear threatening to slip and glance down at my phone again. Seven minutes had gone by since I first submitted the question and the replies were empty. Two anonymous users were viewing the post, apparently. Then a notification popped up in the top right corner. I straightened my posture and bumped my head against the plastic ceiling. I flinch and let my back slacken again before scrambling to tap on the notification.

A reply came through.

For a moment, I felt a wave of relief. I wipe my eyes with my wrist and comment a quick "thank you so much!! <3" underneath their response. I set my phone aside to copy down the answer. My eyes trailed to the second part of the question, and my spirit fizzled out.

"Why do they always want us to show our work?" I groan, throwing my head back against Kaidou's shoulder.

Kaidou reached across to thread his fingers through my hair, "So it's harder for you to cheat."

My eyes were fixed on my phone screen. Hoping that possibly another reply will come in, adding to my post on how to solve the problem. No such response came. Both of the users viewing my page had clicked off. Leaving my post deserted.

"Just show me how to do this problem, please?" My desperation was starting to seep through into my tone. I was tempted to skip the question and move on. The teacher would still give me half credit for having the answer, right? I've already decided that's better than a zero.

He gave a warm laugh. "No way I'm being an accessory to your crimes,"

I furrowed my brows. "This isn't a - what's an accessory to a crime?"

"You'd know if you paid attention in Law and Order,"

I raise my hands defensively, "I didn't even want that elective!" I started, "I wanted psychology but noo." A faux-annoyed tone filled my words, but my grin was the only thing that separated it from the real thing.

He leaned his head against mine, "They have it out for you bad."

"I know right? Must be the work of The Dark Reunion," I mused.

He pressed his lips together, "actually, you might be onto something," I wasn't. I was joking. He didn't pick up the hint though. "I mean, think about it, your greatest interest is psychology, meaning if you didn't get into psychology then that would come around back to me-"

"Baby, I..." I hesitated, "- don't think that's it." 

I'd stopped bugging him the rest of the time we were there. Kaidou returned to his humming, but it was softer now. Just like the soft thudding of the rain eased up on the playhouse. When the time came for us to walk home, I'd stuff the assignment back into my algebra folder and turn it in unfinished. I didn't need the page mocking my ignorance in the comfort of my own bedroom. I probably wouldn't be able to focus without Kaidou here to give me the gentle encouragement that I needed anyway.

all I want is someone that will help me cheat on my homework is that SO much to ask :eyeroll: /j

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