Humming A Tune (Kaidou) (sickfic)

24 1 9

f/o ' Kaidou

triggers ' n/a

content warning?? heavy vomit. Obviously bc this is a sickfic and whats a sickfic without vomit :eyeroll: basically if you're squeamish to vomit or other aspects of being sick you might wanna skip this chapter ><

also no he doesn't have covid

School had gotten out hours ago. On a normal day, I would spend after-school hours hanging out with Kaidou outside both of our houses. His mom didn't like me staying over at his house because I was "destined to be a dropout" with how low my grades were and how I frequently checked out mentally during classes.

My parents really enjoy it when I bring Kaidou over - well, they did once they could look past his eccentric style (which they still gossip about to me behind his back.) But Kaidou mentioned that hanging around my place with my parents home puts him on edge, and I can't blame him.

So, we usually go out when we want to be together.

For the past week, though, he's holed himself up in his house. Not even showing up at school. He's answering his texts at least, so I know he's okay. Just ill. I was the first to volunteer to bring him his make-up work after school today.

And so I now stand outside his bedroom door. His mom let me in their house, albeit begrudgingly, and probably just to be polite. I sighed and leaned forward to knock on his door. No response. When I knock a second time, I get a hoarse groan from the other side. I push the door open gently, "Hey, knock knock? You okay?" I peek inside his room through the crack in the door.

The sight before me was miserable. A mound of blankets laid on his bed with Kaidou underneath. Under the mound, his head was tucked under his pillow. Tissues and wrappers littered the floor along with dirtied clothes - a few days of Kaidou being sick really showed.

I frown and step into his room, avoiding hitting anything scattered across his floor. "I'm here with your homework, but you look... really sick." Sick was an understatement. "So, I'm just gonna set them here," I stand awkwardly before spotting an empty spot on his desk to set his papers.

When I face Kaidou again, I can see his head peeking out from underneath the pillow. His eyes squinted as he looked at me. If I focused hard enough, I could only barely see tearstains circling his eyes. They were big, red, and sad.

"How're you feelin'?"

"Bad." he croaks.

"Yeah? I'm sorry," And I really was. I hated seeing him in pain. He rarely got sick, but when he did, his body wreaked havoc on him. Still, because it happened so scarcely, his mom figured he could just suck it up and attend school anyway. I'd heard from Saiki that she tried to force him to go to school this time too.

Now that I know how ill he really was, part of me wished he would have gone to school. Not because I agree with his mom, but so he would throw up on his classmates. Then maybe she'd get it through her fucking head about how he needs to stay home when he's sick.

That would also humiliate Kaidou completely. Probably mortifying others. So, I'm glad that's not what ended up happening. Even if a bitter part of me wished it did.

I find my seat at the edge of his bed. When his mattress sways, I can hear a low groan underneath the sheets. I rest my hand on his as an apology. "Jesus, you're trembling,"

"Everything hurts," He murmurs. I pull my hand away from his (which Kaidou tries to aimlessly reach for again before giving up) and press my hand against my forehead. I rest it on his forehead immediately after and - God, he was burning up.

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