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I closed the door connnecting my office to Dream's, and looked around carefully. There was probably a good chance that he was watching right now.

The room was still bigger than it needed to be, but smaller than Dream's. There was a large window facing the street, with blinds. My desk was in the middle of the room as well, and I seemed to also have my own bathroom. The desk had a lamp and a monitor and keyboard.

I walked over and inspected the drawers. Pens, paper, staplers, basic office stuff. I opened the next drawer and froze.

A pistol, a switchblade, and ammo. Right, I worked for the mafia now. Before, I'd just thought of it as a nice job offer, but it hit me now that I was getting involved in organized crime. I guess I was dragged into it, but I was kind of regretting not trying harder to escape.

The other drawers had more office things and a first aid kit. I stuck my bag full of clothes under the desk, and noticed a leather briefcase also under the desk. I wonder if every employee got all this complimentary stuff.

I sat down and opened up the package. I pulled out the brand new MacBook and iPad, observing the crisp white packaging. I slide the MacBook into the briefcase, as well as the box and cords of the iPad.

I turned the iPad on, and it illuminated to life. There was no password, and I quickly set one up. A lot of applications were already there, and I noticed an apple pen included.

I remembered the folder that Dream had given me, and put the iPad down on the desk. I opened the folder, and there were instructions on setting up my computer and company account with my ID.

I was glad the job didn't seem too, well, out of my skill range as a programmer. If anything, it just seemed like it would be busy, not hard. I got to work setting myself up, and tested the earpiece out too.

"Hello?" I heard Nick's voice come through, surprisingly clearly.

"Hey, it's George, just testing this out," I replied. I organized my desk a little, and then sat back.

This was great, having all this to myself. Back at my old company, we had cramped little cubicles, with a loud whirring fan and people constantly clicking their mouses and making phone calls. This was a nice change.

I heard my earpiece buzz. "Come to my office, we're going to the meeting now."

I got up, grabbed my iPad and slid my phone in my pocket. I wasn't sure what else I needed, but I had my keycard on the side of my wallet for when I needed it.

I scanned it and opened the door to Dream's office, and saw him standing there, adjusting his watch. I didn't really realize how tall he was until now, but he was definitely towering over 6 feet.

"Ready?" He asked, and I nodded. I don't think I'd spoken a single word for the past hour, but something about his presence made me nervous.

I followed him out into the elevator. On our way out into the lobby, he placed his hand on my back as we walked out to the car. I sucked in a breath, trying to not react.

We got in, and now his arm was wrapped around the back of my seat, almost touching me. I jumped a little when he spoke.

"Turn on the iPad, I'll tell you what you need to do."

He went over a couple applications, what notes I needed to write down, where to check his appointments. I couldn't help but smell his cologne, since he was sitting so close.

We arrived at the building for his meeting, and walked in. I was nervous, but as far as I knew, I just needed to write down the important things. Nick joined us at the elevator, and I couldn't help but notice the gun strapped to his belt. Dream's was hidden under his jacket, and I didn't have anything. I wonder why they needed to carry weapons.

We arrived, and I took a deep breath as we entered the room.

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