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I dragged Karl behind me, as we sprinted up the emergency stairs of the underground hall.

"How do y-you know?" I asked Dream, gasping, as we broke out into the street, along with Nick and Karl.

"One of my scouts spotted people near the back of the people, preparing the bombs," he said, grabbing me and dragging me to the car. "They'll take care of them, we should leave."

"Wait, one sec!" I told him, turning around to Karl. He was staring at Nick, who was also getting in, and I frowned.


He jumped and turned around, startled. "Hi! Yes? What is it?"

"Do you have a ride home?" I asked.

"Oh, could you drive me? I live near the gallery on second street."

"Yeah, sure," I said, motioning to the car. He got in with me in the back, and I tapped the driver's shoulder. "Could you go to second street first? To drop off a friend."

The driver nodded, and Dream turned around. "What friend?"

He then spotted Karl in the backseat. "Who's this?"

"One of my friends from high school, I ran into him today," I explained.

Dream didn't say anything, but looked a little skeptical. Suddenly, a loud boom sounded from the bar, and we heard screams.

"Drive, now," Dream demanded, and we sped off. I sighed, relieved.

"Thanks for letting me come," Karl laughed nervously. "That was scary."

"Don't go to any more of those rings for now," I told him worriedly. "They're dangerous."

He nodded. "We should meet up again, while you're here. What time do you get off work?"

I looked over at Dream, who wasn't answering, so I tapped his shoulder.


"Do I have time tomorrow in the evening?" I asked cautiously. For some reason, he seemed to be in a bit of a bad mood.

"You should stay with me where it's safe."

"I'll bring bodyguards," I told him. "Just for an hour or so, to get dinner maybe."

He made a small grumble in agreement, and I grinned at Karl.

"Yes! We have so much to talk about."

"You have no idea how much crazy stuff you've missed, man. Me and Alex..."

We chatted the rest of the drive, and arrived at Karl's street. He hopped out, thanking me again, and went off on his way.

"You're awfully close," Dream commented, looking out the window.

"Oh, um, yeah. We were super good friends in high school. We used to sit at lunch and rate all the cute boys that walked by," I laughed.

Dream shifted. "That's nice."

Beside me, Nick coughed into his arm, and it sounded suspiciously similar to the word "jealous."

I decided to leave Dream be, since he seemed tense. We drove home quietly, and I watched the city go by through the window.

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