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My hand hurt, from scribbling down so many details during the meeting. I hurried out of the room after Dream, massaging my hand and trying to get the feeling back in my fingers.

"Tonight, we're going to visit one of the underground fighting rings, which hasn't gotten attacked yet," Dream told me.

"Okay," I huffed after him, and he noticed me struggling to catch up with his stupidly long legs. He slowed down for me.

We got into a car, driving straight to another meeting.


It was around 8pm now, and we were technically off of work, but of course Dream never got tired. We were heading into the sketchier parts of the city, where fights constantly broke out in the streets. Dream's mafia had seen that as an opportunity, placing boxing rings around the city for people to waste hundreds of dollars' worth of bets on.

We arrived, and I was surprised to see a seemingly normal pub, with people sitting around, drinking.

We went inside, and Dream led me, Nick and a few other bodyguards to an elevator at the back. We got in, and slowly descended.

The moment the elevator doors opened, the smell of sweat and rubber hit me. It was darkly lit, except for bright lights illuminating the ring in the middle of the room. People were yelling, crowding around it and pushing at eachother.

There were two scary-looking men fighting in the ring, one blonde and the other with black hair. I looked around, noticing a small bar, as well as some small stands where people placed their bets.

I jumped as I felt a hand grab my shoulder, turning me around. I looked at them, but in the dark, it was hard to make out their face. They were around my height, with a fluffy nest of brown hair.

"George! What the honk!" I heard them gasp,  and the familiar voice hit me.

"Karl?! What are you doing here?"

"Betting," he replied happily. "You can make tons of money if you know the ropes."

"Holy shit, it's been so long," I marvelled, hugging him. "How have you been?"

We had been close friends in high school, but then drifted apart after graduation. Since then, I had no idea what he'd been up to, and so we spent some time catching up.

After about five minutes, Dream came over, looking frantic. When he saw me, he immediately stormed over.

"George! What were you doing? This place is getting bombed in two minutes, we need to leave!"

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