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I barely registered the feeling of George's lips against mine, until his hand pulled my hair and I felt a wave of desire come over me.

All the pent up stress, worry and guilt from the last few days manifested itself into a need to touch him, feel more of him.

My hand made it's way to his waist, the other gripping his neck.

He tasted amazing, especially after the long day at work. I felt myself reach under his shirt, but then he flinched and pulled away, and I stopped, confused.

I realized I'd touched one of his burns, and he smiled sheepishly at me. "Maybe this isn't the best time for this."

"Fuck," I groaned. "I want you."

He raised an eyebrow, and the corner of his mouth lifted. "So I'm not fired?"

I remembered the conversation we'd been having prior, and sighed. "George, you can't do this to me. I'm gonna get too attached."

"Well that's fine, because I'm not going anywhere. Otherwise, you'll never get this again."

He went on his tiptoes and gave me a small kiss, and I grabbed the collar of his shirt as he backed away, pulling him to me.

"Don't try and tease me," I told him. "You'll regret it later."

"So I'm not fired?" He grinned cheekily.

"Look, George," I said, trying to be serious. I let go of his shirt. "I still don't want you in danger. If being with me means you're a target for my enemies, you should be running as far away as possible, as fast as you can."

This time, he grabbed my shirt, and pulled me down. "I know how dangerous it is, and I don't care. You don't get to decide this for me, I'll leave if I want to."

He let go, and took a breath. "You can try and convince me, but I'm staying. If anything, I'll be in more danger out there on my own."

I thought about his words, and realized he was partially right. Sure, I could just send guards to protect him 24/7, but The Blade already knew I cared about George. Nothing would be stopping him from taking him again.

"Fine," I finally replied, reluctantly. "You can stay."

"Yes!" He yelled, bouncing around excitedly. I shook my head, he was ridiculous. Ridiculously cute, and I was falling for it.

"Let's get to bed," I told him. "I'm tired."

He agreed, and we got ready to sleep. After brushing his teeth, he turned to the guest bedroom, but I grabbed his arm.

"One more thing," I said. "If you're staying, you do whatever I say."

He looked at me like I was dumb. "Okay? Let me go to bed."

"And I say you sleep in my bed tonight," I chuckled, dragging him over to my room. He lost his balance, surprised, and glared at me.

"Was that necessary?" He asked, climbing under the covers.

"Yes," I replied, pulling him to me and wrapping my arms around his waist. He squirmed around a bit, getting comfortable, and then we fell asleep.

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