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I yawned, rubbing my eyes for the fifth time in the last ten minutes.

"Why did you book the flight for 3am?" I complained. The lights on the highway were blurry and too bright, hurting my head.

"I didn't book anything, it's our private jet," Dream replied absentmindedly, scrolling through his phone.

I sat up. "What? You could've chosen any time to leave, and you picked 3 in the morning?"

"It's so we have time to check into the hotel before my first meeting," he replied.

I groaned and leaned back into the car seat, trying to get comfortable. There was still about twenty minutes until we got to the airport, so I might as well try and get some sleep.

Dream's arm wrapped around my shoulders suddenly, pulling me onto him. I looked at him, and he was still looking at his phone.

Whatever, I thought, and closed my eyes. It's better than the uncomfortable car door.


I was jolted awake as Dream started to get up, and caught myself before I fell. I glared at him for moving so suddenly, and he just shrugged. "I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't budge."

We got our things, and went through security surprisingly fast. I guess it's the perks of being rich and important, but we only had to wait two minutes before we could board the plane.

I gasped as I stepped into the cabin. This was way better than commercial flights, probably for obvious reasons, but I hadn't expected what I saw.

There was a couch and coffee table, with a large screen TV on the opposite side of the cabin. The rug on the floor looked super soft, and I think I saw a bedroom near the back of the plane.

I ventured over and I was right. There was a queen sized bed, with a marble bathroom to the side of the room. The sheets were soft and silky, and I jumped on the bed, sighing.

Dream followed me in, pulling me upright. "We have to sit in the seats up front while it takes off, c'mon."

I reluctantly followed him to the front, but wasn't disappointed at the seats. They were white leather, with a pull out bottom, and a small counter/cup holder to the side. I sat down, and the plane started moving almost immediately.

"How much was all this?" I asked Dream, who was sitting beside me.

"You don't need to know, you'd probably faint," he laughed.

Once we were at the right altitude, a waiter came over with a menu. "Anything to eat or drink, sir?"

My jaw dropped as I looked over the menu. They had everything, from small sandwiches and charcuterie boards, to salads, pasta and steak.

I ordered a sandwich and some lemonade, and Dream got a glass of wine.

"We're on this flight for about six hours," he told me. "Get comfortable."

Eight hours didn't even seem like enough time to enjoy everything this jet had to offer. I finished my food and went to explore a little more, admiring all the expensive furniture.

Eventually, I got tired, and so I went to the bed to get some sleep. Something told me I had a long day ahead of me.

Dream showed up a couple minutes later, and sat down on a small couch in the same room.

"Why are you here?" I asked suspiciously. "I want to take a nap."

"Just to keep you company," he replied, picking up a book from the shelf beside him. "Don't mind me."

"Okay, Mum," I scoffed, and laid back down. Soon, I drifted off to sleep.

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