Fucking Patrick man

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The sky is getting darker, Alex and Piper spent the whole day indoors watching Netflix, but not actually watching if you know what i mean..

"You know, tomorrow's a weekday." Alex said.

"Yes.. and?"

"I'm gonna have to go to work, and you too."

Piper raised her eyebrow.

"Yes.. and?"

Alex laughs and gives Piper a tight hug and pouted. "That means we won't be able to see each other Pipes."

"I know." Now its Alex's turn to raise her eyebrow.

"I'm just waiting for you to ask me on a date."

Alex gleamed. "Really?"

"Yeah you nerd."

"Alrighty then, Friday 7.30pm, date or no?" Alex questioned Piper.

"Date.. or no....?"

"Uh yeah."

"Is this how you ask people on dates all the time?"

"I don't ask people for dates, they do."

"If I didn't know you,  i'd think you're a bottom."

"Aren't you a funny girl. I'm sure as hell am not a bottom, you've seen it!"

"Well... from what i experienced I don't think so."

"Nuh uh."

"Yah uh."

"Nuh uh."

"You're a little nerd aren't you?"


"Yes, date." Piper replied.

"Yeah baby! Now time to eat!" Alex fist bumped the air.

"Nerd." Piper scoffed and smiled.

The next day

Monday arrived and Piper woke up to the alarm with a smile on her face which is a rather rare occurrence. First thing to do of course, scroll through instagram but she saw a cheeky text from the one and only Alex Vause.

"Good morning beautiful, I hope you have a wonderful day. Please say you hope I have a wonderful day and I can't wait to talk to you after work xx"

Piper giggled and replied. "Good morning Al, I hope you have a good day at work. Please send me a couple pictures if you catch my drift, wink wink... and don't forget to drink your coffee my lactose and talented lady xx"

Alex just arrived to the office and she saw Mr Moody, her boss making a beeline straight to her.

"Here we go.." Alex sighed.

"Hey morning Vause, go to Patrick and assist him in looking for errors in the Python program, after that I need you to come in my office, I have some important things to tell to you."

"Yes sir."

Once she reached her desk, she threw her bag to the side and slumped down on the chair. "Great, Monday and I'm already being pushed around like a fucking dog."

"Yo Vause did someone piss in your coffee? You look like shit."

"What do you expect Nichols, Moody has been up my ass since last week. I wonder what the hell is he even looking for."

"He probably wants to bang you."

"Nicky! Not everyone wants to have sex with me get that shit outta your head."

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