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Hey everybody, sorry that this update took a while. A long fucking while. I've been juggling a full time job and part-time school and all i can say is that my ass is getting kicked. I apologise again for the delay and here is another chapter. I made this one a little longer and I believe you guys will enjoy it.😉
Thank you for your patience.


"This is a really nice place." Piper said while drinking her sparkling water.

"Only the best for you."

"How charming." Piper smiled.

"I just want to thank you for coming here on a date with me. You look really gorgeous tonight and you're making it really difficult for me to be good."

"Maybe i don't want you to be good." Piper wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh really?" Alex replied with a sultry tone.

Their stare-off was interrupted as a waiter walks toward them, both hands busy with plates containing their starters for the evening.

"Beef carpaccio and pumpkin ravioli." He twisted the top of a pepper grinder on Alex's carpaccio, waiting for the word.

"That's it. Can i get another one of these please." Alex pointed to the bottle of wine that is one pour from being empty. Alex gave a smile to the waiter. He bowed and head off to the back room to fetch the bottle.

They ate their starters. Piper cutting her ravioli to manageable pieces and eating elegantly. Forks started to exchange.

"Wow, you chose well." Alex said after trying Piper's ravioli.

Their evening was pleasant with their delicious entrées, pizza and fresh sea bass. Wine glasses never empty and conversation flowing.

"The food was fantastic." Piper said to Alex, as the woman poured more wine for Piper, matching the sounds of the liquids of both their glasses.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. This is actually one of my favourite places and i wanted to share it with you." Alex smiled while taking a sip.

The two women spent the rest of their evening talking over dessert and multiple glasses of wine. When their waiter approached them telling the ladies that its closing time, they walked out with hands intertwined.

"I just want to thank you again for an amazing night. You really brought out the big guns."

"You ain't seen nothin' yet. That wasn't even the big guns."

"Are you promising me dates that's even better than this one?"

"Yeap." Alex replied while giving Piper a chaste kiss.

They got into the car and Alex started to drive towards Piper's place.

"Al I really really enjoyed our date, even though your sarcastic self tends to come out every once in a while."

"You mean my sarcastic AND sexy self." Alex smirked at Piper briefly before returning her gaze to the road.

"Honestly you surprisingly kept it to a minimum. I kinda miss it." Piper joked and pressed some buttons on Alex's dashboard searching for the perfect music.

"Oh my god I love this song!" Piper exclaimed singing and humming along to 'K' by Cigarettes After Sex was playing faintly in the background.

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