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Alex woke up to the cold wind rushing in from her balcony, sending shivers down her naked body. She must have forgotten to close it before sleeping. Piper was sleeping soundly with her face tucked in Alex's neck and her arm wrapped tightly around Alex's torso.

Alex released a satisfied sigh. She has had her eyes on Piper since the first time she saw her at the bar a week ago but never got the chance to speak to her until yesterday night. Fuck, yesterday night was probably one of the best nights she experienced. Most probably going into her spank bank. She's still processing how she managed to land one of the prettiest girls. Who is she kidding, Piper is the only pretty one in her eyes.

She looked down to Piper, looking so relaxed and beautiful in her slumber. With her blonde locks covering parts of her face in the best way. Her perfectly sculptured eyebrows and her button nose all perfect. Her lips, oh god don't get her started. The plumpest, moistest lips she had ever kissed. She could kiss those lips forever. Thinking about Piper caused a throbbing down at her lower region.

Alex slowly removed Piper to lie her down on her back. Surprisingly, Piper is still sound asleep. "This girl must be a very heavy sleeper." Alex thought to herself. She straddled Piper's thighs, careful not to wake the other girl up. She gave feather like kisses on Piper's neck down to her chest. Still not awake. She then gave the lightest lick on the other girl's nipple. Nothing. At this point, nothing is going to wake Piper up.

"Fuck it." Alex whispered to herself and she began to pepper kisses down Piper's body. When she reached between Piper's legs, she slowly spread them and FUCK, Piper was dripping wet. She managed to get Piper wet even in her sleep!

Alex bent down and took a whiff of Piper's pussy. Deliciously musky, making her mouth water. She then licked up and down Piper's wet slit and folds, avoiding her clit and just enjoying how delicious Piper tasted. Piper started to stir and let out a loud moan.

"Well good morning to you too." Piper looked down and greeted Alex who then took one broad lick across Piper's pussy, flicking her clit. Piper threw her head back and dropped her hand on Alex's locks, keeping her there.

"Shit baby right there." Piper moaned out, getting Alex to bring her to the edge but Alex being Alex, did the opposite. Alex backed away and kissed Piper's thighs, leaving marks for the blonde to see the next few days. Piper groaned and tried to guide Alex's mouth to where she wanted her the most but to no avail, she failed as Alex fought against her pulling.

"Beg for me baby." Alex rasped making Piper groan.

"You're killing me Al. Please lick my pussy." Piper begged

"Say less." Alex said with a cheeky grin and continued her actions.

Piper moans and lowered her hand down to the thick brunette hair between her thighs and sighs. Alex is working her tongue deliciously and inserts a finger causing Piper to whimper.

"Fuck Alex just like that."

"Yeah? You like that?"

"Yes baby." Piper moans.

Alex then increased her pace, curling her finger and adding another two digits when she sensed that Piper was nearing her orgasm. She then gave her clit a suck and Piper screamed, riding wave after wave. Alex slows down and continues her gentle licks.

"Wow, what a morning." Piper smiled and brought Alex up to kiss her, tasting herself on her tongue when her stomach let out the loudest sound causing both girls to laugh and Piper to blush, embarrassed.

"I guess thats time for breakfast." Alex giggles while getting up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, Piper following behind after getting dressed with some clothes Alex put aside for her.

"So what would you like for breakfast Miss Piper?" Alex asked while hugging Piper and giving her small kisses on her cheek. "I'll have what you're having."

"Alright then i'm making a breakfast wrap with cheese, lettuce and tomato. I don't really eat pork so instead of bacon i'm having beef bacon is that alright with you?"

"Same, I don't eat pork too but hold the lettuce and tomato please." Piper smiled.

"If you want you can get the coffee started while i make our breakfast." Alex said facing away from Piper and gathering the ingredients from the fridge.

Piper didn't actually have to do much because the coffee grinds are beside the machine, placed nicely. Actually everything in the house were placed nicely. It doesn't take a lot of thinking to know that Alex was doing well for herself. Hell, she even has a curved tv.

"Hey Alex." "Yeah?"

"What do you do?" Piper asked, curious.

"What do i work as?" Alex is distracted with the tomatoes rolling away her.

"Yes silly."

"Oh, i work as an engineer. You know programming and stuff."

No, Piper doesn't know.

"Oh cool."

"What about you?"

"I'm a kindergarten teacher. I like kids so i really enjoy watching them figure out literally everything."

"Huh. That's cute. I guess you do look like a teacher now that i think about it. A sexy teacher." Alex giggles.

"You like teachers?"

"Oh i do. Especially those with blonde hair and likes to beg." Alex purrs while walking towards Piper, slowly grabbing her tits and kissing Piper's neck. Piper moans and kisses Alex, biting her lower lip causing Alex to groan.

The coffee machine beeped, Piper broke out from Alex's grasp and went to prepare the mugs as Alex continues with the food "How do you take your coffee?"

"I take with sugar and a liitttle bit of milk because i'm lactose and talented." Alex said while plating the food.

"I'm sorry?" Piper choked up with laughter.

"I'm lactose and talented." Alex said in all seriousness and then broke down with laughter together with Piper. "I AM."

"I see you are a woman with an impeccable sense of humour."

"You ain't seen nothing yet lady." Alex kisses Piper and finished up on the food. While Piper brings the mugs to the table while laughing her ass off. "Lactose and talented, this girl..."


Alright guys here's a part 2 and i thought of adding a little bit of fluff. PLEASE don't be shy to leave a comment. Tell me your thoughts. See ya on the next part.

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