190. Nate Heywood imagine

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Prompt 'I don't know why I ever loved you,"

You were thinking about how happy you were to be with Nate, but you were sometime cautious about Amaya, you knew you were close with her but Nate was an Amazing guy,, and you wouldn't be surprised if she tried to go after him.

You walked in to the library hoping to find Nate and you did with Amaya, kissing. You took a step back before deciding to say something.

"What are you doing?" You said, and they broke apart
"(Y/F/N)," Nate starts to say
"No don't," you said
"Let me explain," Amaya tried to say
"No, you leave, I will talk to you later," you said and she did

"Why Nate," you said "I trusted you,"
"I know, and I betrayed your trust," he said
"You think," you say "why,"
"I don't know," he says
"No, that is not answer," you said "are you insecure, are you a coward, because no man who isn't insecure, or not a coward wouldn't cheat,"

He don't say anything, he just looked at you, you felt your eyes welling up, but you tried your hardest not to cry.

"You're the worst person ever," you told him "I don't know why I ever loved you," you walked out the library and started to let the tears fall down your face

You did love Nate, and you knew he would be there maybe in shock, because you had never told him, you were afraid to lower you walls because you don't want to be hurt, and yet you still were. You never wanted to get close to anyone ever again.

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