140.Leonard Snart imagine

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'Don't touch me!'

Requested by @LightSpeed_Flash

Background of story- your a villain, working with savage and the legends capture you and Leonard is the one chosen to interrogate you.


You sat in the cell of the ship you knew was called the 'wave rider', you heard the doors of the room open and the person you know as 'Leonard Snart,' comes in. You knew who all the legends were, since your boss was vandal savage and he informed you in everything about them.
"I'm not telling you anything," you say not looking at him
"And why not?" He asked you
"I'm not stupid enough to trust you, or any of these people in this ship," you said continuing to look at the door of the cell and not him
"I don't trust them either," he said opening the door of the cell and coming in
"Just you wait, you will, I know everything about you, even your future," you said standing up. He grabbed your shoulder to stop you walking to an opposite Corner.
"Don't touch me!" You said and he let go and you did walk to the other corner.

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